|70|Please Don't Leave Me|

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Eric P.O.V

I stood still as her body jerked backward with the force of the bullet, almost hitting with mine. My only instinct was to hold her as my mind went numb, my eyes couldn't believe what I just saw. My whole world stopped as I scurried down with her as her limp body eventually dropped to the ground.

My eyes moved to the blood that was continuously spilling out of her fragile body. I was too shocked to even move. My throat went dry and I felt black dots in front of my eyes. I felt as if, I would blackout at any moment. My brain would have forgotten to work if I hadn't heard the sharp intake of her breath.

There was still hope. Adrenaline kicked in as I panicked and all the emotions came rushing in. Fear, anxiety,  panic, horror, the feeling of losing her, and I couldn't even describe what else I felt at that time.

Tears fell out of my eyes uncountably as I pulled her closer to me, her body was losing its warmth. I placed my head over her chest, trying to hear her heartbeat as my hands went over the wound to stop the blood. It didn't stop. My heart was like it would stop any moment.

I could hear her slow and almost inaudible heartbeat. I didn't know where that man had run off, I could care less as I picked her vulnerable bleeding body in my arms and started to run.

I had to get her to the hospital.

But I had to get out of the forest first!

It was almost night and I couldn't even see anything clearly. The blur patterns of the trees almost made me lose hope as I couldn't figure out where the hell I had to go!

But I didn't give up. I kept on running as fast as I could, and I kept whispering to her, "Hold on, Skylee. You can't leave me like this. I still want you. You hear me. I still need you. Please, I'm so sorry. Please, hold on. You've got this."

I knew I am not a strong person and I knew I would die if something happened to her. I felt so fucking stupid for saying to her that I wanted her out of my life. And when she was about to leave me alone. Now I felt that I would die without her.

I am a stupid fucking asshole! An Idiot who doesn't deserve her!

My heart sunk as I realized I might lose her today. I hurried my pace pushing past the feeling as tears rolled down my cheek.

I was out of breath. I didn't know how I reached the camps, I just remembered as I get there, I yelled for help and everyone came rushing towards us.

After that, I couldn't catch how and when we end up in the hospital. I just knew I was with her when they took her in the ambulance, holding her hand despite how much the doctors in the ambulance glare at me and asked me to leave her. I didn't. I couldn't.

I remembered whisper pleading to her, again and again, "Please don't leave me. Please don't leave me."

Then when we reached the hospital, they took her away on a stretcher. Right that moment, they took away my soul with her. I didn't know what to think anymore. I was lifeless as I blankly collapsed on the bench in front of that room where she was going under surgery. I couldn't even hear voices around him. Everything felt blank and lifeless; almost dead. Like it was the end of everything.

Even tears weren't coming out now, I just knew if she couldn't make it out of that room alive, I would die too.

 My eyes were fixed at my blood-stained hands, her blood was all over me, my hands, face, and shirt. I didn't know how long I kept staring at them until I felt warmed hands wrapped around them. My hands were as cold as ice.

"Don't worry, she will be fine..." Rosalyn whispered, her voice hoarse and her face drenched in tears.

"She... has to be." My voice cracked as my sister wrapped her hands around me and pulled me in a hug.

And I cried at her shoulder.

I didn't remember when I last cried like that yet I couldn't stop the tears in my eyes. I felt vulnerable. Too helpless. Too scared. Beyond devastated.

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