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Skylee P.O.V

"Mum!" I grumbled, clutching the phone tightly against my left ear. I didn't want to break my phone when I didn't have my bodyguards to recover the backup.

I was so annoyed at her. I thought my parents had finally accepted the fact that I no longer need people to take care of me. But no... Here I was after the tiring 5-hour flight, sitting in the Taxi to reach my new home, and arguing with my Mum.

"Sky, my baby, listen to me. It's for your own help, and of course, for my relief that you are safe there." Mum's voice softly echoed through the phone as she tried her best to persuade me and reasoned out.

"Seriously! But why so many people? I'm grown up now, and I can manage everything on my own." She knew very well that I wasn't a person from whom she could win easily.

"Billiyorum, but..." She paused and I could already imagine her cute pout forming over her lips. "You are going to live alone for the first time, that too without me. It's natural for me to get worked up."

I sighed. She was worried because I always lived with her, and now moving to a totally different city had freaked her out. So, she had prepared an army consisting of four people to take care of me. And for the past ten minutes, we were persuading... No... We were arguing, which wasn't reaching anywhere. We were just going round and round with the same words.

"You don't have to be. Brother Xander is here too," I softly reminded her.

"Billiyorum," she emphasized, "that's what hinders me from taking too much tension. He will take care of you very well, and you should listen to him, tamam?" She ordered. I rolled my eyes.

"Mum! We are not done yet," I said and looked outside the window. We were stopped at a red signal and let me say it was so crowded! New York was a big crowded city.

"I guess, we are!" Her voice had a sheepish smile.

"Mum!" I called out totally annoyed, "Just persuade me with one damn reason."

I realized later that I shouldn't have said that.

"Canım," she coed, "I'm your mother and I know you better than anyone." I could again clearly imagine her signature smirk appearing on her lips. I internally cursed.

"Do you know how to cook? Especially your favorite barbecue pizza. No! Have you ever done household choruses like cleaning and washing? No! You don't even know how to protect yourself from robbers, do you? Can you guard 24/7 in your own house like a guard? No! Do..." And she continued like that.

I scrunched my nose up and slapped my forehead. The Taxi driver looked at me weirdly through the rearview mirror. I shot him a glare and he looked away, agitated.

Why the hell did I even ask her for a reason? All of her reasons were right though.

"Tamam Tamam, Geez, Mum, anladım," I said, silently accepting my defeat with a huff. Defeat - something I rarely accept without a fight.

"That's like my girl," she again coed, making me roll my eyes.

"And yes, stay away from trouble." She added like an afterthought.

"I'll try my best." It was my time to grin.

The driver again looked at me and again earned a dead glare from me.

"Quine Skylee Kingston!" Mom warned.

"Tamam Tamam, I'll call you later. Say selam to Baba. Bye! Take care!" I said and cut the call, grinning like an idiot.

Once a Dare leads to Love (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now