|61|Frustrated And Compelled|

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Skylee P.O.V

The day had been torture so far. I ignored the gossips that were ruling every ear and lip in the school. I tried to ignore each one of them but couldn't help and catch a few. I learned about Eric getting detention because of some students who couldn't keep their stupid mouths shut. He broke his wrist when he got in a fight a few days ago while he was drunk. Nothing so enthusiastic so far. It all got me more bothered and guilty, if possible.

Oh, and I ignored Trio, Helen, and Rosalyn too. I sat in the classes as far away as possible. Strangely, they didn't bug me either.

I sighed as I walked into the empty hallway. It was lunchtime and all students were in the cafeteria. I rounded the corner and Eric came into my view. He was leaning against one of the lockers. My eyes immediately went to his broken wrist. I felt a tug over my heart. I looked away and tried to walk past him.

I was looking ahead but through my peripheral vision, I could see him. He was looking at me. He wanted to talk. No, please, I can't talk with you. I don't believe myself if I talk with you. I internally pleaded.

Getting a hold over my fragile conscious, I didn't notice the foot in my way and stumbled over it. He immediately linked his arm with mine and stopped the fall. It was his foot and he did that on purpose. 

"You should watch your steps or else you'll fall." He whispered in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine.

I unlinked my arm from his with a jerk and was about to walk away. When he held my wrist and pulled me back with so much force, I again stumbled and he again held me. But this time, he had his strong arms wrapped around my waist.

"Stop ignoring me." His voice had a silent plea in it. Like he was in pain. His grey eyes had so much intensity in them. I gulped and looked away, unable to hold his gaze.

"Skylee..." He was desperate.

"Leave me." I was compelled.

"I won't. You'll fall and I can't let that happen." He said and pulled me closer to him. My face collided with his chest which was heaving up and down harshly. I could feel his fast heartbeat. He rested his chin over my head. There was something at this moment, a weird warmth that my eyes closed on his own.

"Tell me what's wrong? Talk with me. We'll figure it out. I know it's not about your broken guitar. You know I'm here for you, always and forever like I promised. Trust me and tell me. Let it all out." He said as his hold on my waist became protective.

I sighed over his chest and gulped, holding the turmoil of emotions. I had to do this. For his safety, for his well-being, and for myself. I had to mask my emotions. I knew how to do that.

With a determined inhale, I harshly pushed him away and passed him a blank look. He looked hurt and puzzled. God, I couldn't handle the look on his face and eyes.

"I don't like to repeat myself. You heard me. So, stay away from me." My voice was void of any emotions.

Please understand me. Don't make it hard than it already is.

"Skylee, if it is about that guitar then I'm sorry. I really am. I didn't know that guitar had an emotional attachment to you. But please don't do this. I was actually planning to ask you for a date that day but it went wrong." He was apologetic.

To hell with the guitar, you stupid Cactus! It's only to protect you. I wanted to yell at him.

I wasn't the least bit concern about the fact that he broke my guitar. I figured, in my condition, I didn't care about my guitar anymore. I just wanted him to be here with me, but I couldn't have him.

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