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1 Year Later~

Helen P.O.V

I zipped my last bag after making sure everything was packed. Then I looked over my room as a small sad smile cascaded my lips. Time flew away so fast. It seemed like yesterday we had a girls' sleepover, all three of us over my bed, laughing and watching different series. I didn't know when a tear slipped out of my eye, but I wiped it right away.

With a sigh, I came downstairs where my parents were waiting for me. Dad gave me an encouraging smile but I knew he was internally sad. On the other hand, Mom was continuously shedding tears. I smiled as I stepped towards them.

"God, Mom! I'm not dying. Stop crying, please. I can't leave you like that." I hugged her and kissed her cheek.

But the angry woman slapped my arm hard as she glared at me, "God forbid! Don't make me cancel my decision of letting you go so away from us." And she again started crying. "God, I'll miss you!"

"Aww, my pretty Mom. I'll miss you too!" And I hugged her again. Dad also joined the hug as he kissed my forehead and whispered proudly, "My daughter is so big already. I'm so proud of you that you want to chase your dream."

"Thanks, Dad." That made me smile.

"Now, now," He pulled apart and checked his wristwatch. "Your flight is in five hours. Have you packed everything?"

"Yes, all done." I nodded at him. There was still one thing left though. I again looked at my Mom, who was wiping her tears.

"Mom..." I trailed off. "You don't want me to go?"

"Helen!" Dad scolded at my question as he looked at Mom, "Come on, honey. You can go anytime to meet her."

"I know but the thought of her moving so away from us is breaking my heart." She reasoned out.

"But I have always lived separately from you."

"Yeah, but you were our neighbor. So it doesn't count."

"Mom, if you really don't want me to go then I won't go."

"You won't go?" She looked surprised. I nodded at her. She shook her head as she said, "No, I want you to go. Go and chase your dream, I won't stop you. I'll always support you. Life is too short and I want my daughter to live every moment of it." She kissed my forehead as she wiped her tears and smiled at me.

Now it was my time to got all teary eyes. I hugged her once again as I cried. I didn't plan to cry but one couldn't stop their tears after hearing such emotional words.

After a few more hugs and kisses, I finally made it to the door. I told them that I would be back soon. Because... I had to say goodbye to them too.

As I opened the door, I found Owen in front of me. He had his hand up in the air like he was about to knock it. I looked at him surprised. I didn't expect him to be here.

"Hey!" He smiled at me, flashing his cute dimples that made my heart race, but not in a way, it used to do. We had lost our spark. I knew the little I feel for him, it would also vanish when I moved away from him.

I closed the door behind me and stood in front of him. "Hey!" I had confusion in my voice. We stood there for a moment, his eyes locked on my face like he knew it would be the last time he had the privilege to look at me closely.

"What are you doing here?" I asked after a while.

"You wanted to say goodbye to our friends." He said, blinking his eyes rapidly.

"Yeah, but why are you here?" I again asked. I was confused.

"To pick you. I'm your driver for now. I'll take you wherever you want to go." He again smiled.

Once a Dare leads to Love (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now