|09|I'm innocent|

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Skylee P.O.V

I stepped inside the classroom. While everyone was busy staring at me. I took my time to find Cactus. Once I spotted him sitting on the last bench with his friends. A smirk made its way on my lips.

The boy on his right side, who had black hairs, black eyes, and somehow Korean features, elbowed him and whispered something in his ear. Cactus moved his head up from the papers in front of him and looked at me.

He observed me from head to toe, and the corner of his lips slightly turned upward. That gave an unnecessary chill all over my body, but I chose to ignore it, as usual.

"What are you doing here?" Helen asked. She was sitting at the front desk with a cup in her hand. I looked at her hand, then I looked at Cactus and my smirk replaced with a huge grin.

I walked towards Helen and grabbed her beverage cup from her.

"I hope you don't mind," I said, passing her a sweet smile.

"Of course I do." She glared at me.

"Obviously I don't care," I said and innocently blinked my eyes.

Clutching that cup in my hand, I walked towards him. When I checked the beverage inside it, I hardly surpassed my laughter. Maintaining a straight and sweet face, I stopped in front of his desk. Helen also came towards us and other students started to gossip in whispers while a few just stared at us.

I glanced at his assignment on the table then at his face. What would be a better option? Face or work? I contemplated for a moment then in a nano-second, I emptied the whole coffee cup on his assignment sheets.

I didn't know why, but I couldn't make it to his face.

Few gasps emerged in the whole class and the loud one was from Helen. Cactus's eyes grew wider as he looked at his messed-up assignment with a terrified look.

Well, this time I laughed. I couldn't control it anymore. I looked at his horrified face. So, the calculus teacher must be an angry man if a jerk like him was scared.  And the best part was coffee as my least favorite beverage. How good it would have felt if the coffee was poured over his face? Only if I had. Anyways...

"Told you. Don't mess with me," I said as my laughter subsided a little.

That made him blink out of his shock as he hurriedly started to do a useless attempt of saving his work while his friends passed deadly glares at me, and pitiful looks at his friend's work. I rolled my eyes. Once Cactus was sure there was no need of wasting tissues anymore, that time had already slipped out of his hand, not before slaughtering his assignment. His bloodshot gaze directed at me. His jaw was clenched so tight that I feared he would break it. And when he narrowed his eyes at me, another unnecessary chill ran down my spine.

"Oh my God! Are you mad or what? Do you have any idea how important this assignment is for him?" Well, it was Helen who started saying this out of blue and trudged towards Cactus.

She tried to soak the coffee using her tissue paper as if, her tissues were specially made to soak coffee out of papers. Then holding Cactus's arm she really irritatingly and over sweetly said to him, "Don't worry. I'll help you and we'll prepare a new one soon."

I couldn't help but again rolled my eyes.

"We don't need your help." It was that Korean guy who said with gritted teeth and shot her a deadly glare.

"I'm not talking with you, Owen," Helen said with an as same glare as him. So, the Korean boy's name was Owen.

"I'm answering on behalf of Eric," Owen gritted.

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