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My gaze traveled from left to right, a smirk forming over my lips.

It was the usual; DJ lightings, blasting loud music, a sea of sweat-drenched bodies dancing like maniacs. Even the bar section was full. Everyone was ordering drinks from their choices. Few cheap couples were making out at the corners, not trying to hide, nor trying to expose completely. I rolled my eyes at them. Typical club!

I took a sip of my Champagne. The sweet taste made me smile as I continued doing my favorite thing; observing my surroundings. I was sitting near the bar counter from where I could see the whole club.

It may sound funny that I was the one who threw this party and I was the one sitting alone.

You would ask me, why?

Well, I don't have any friends, nor did I think of making any. I just simply don't like it. Friends are just a crowd of fake people around you. And I'm better off without them.

"Cool party," a girl said to me as she came forward to order a drink.

"Of course, it's my party. We couldn't expect less," I smirked with a wink.

I always gave an Open Club Party where anyone could come and enjoy the free food and beverages. That explained the so many unknown faces among my schoolmates. Well, it wasn't like I knew all of my school fellows, but unknown faces were hard not to get noticed. Especially faces as pretty as theirs. My eyes narrowed at them as I twirled my Champagne glass in my hand. I don't know why those three rich jerks caught my attention. It couldn't be because of their looks...

They were three boys sitting in the V.I.P area and flirting with my classmates. By the look of them, they looked wealthy, casually dressed in jeans and shirts. Two of the boys already got to work with their girls... If you got what I mean. While one of them just continued to do harmless flirting.

'Rich spoiled brats,' I thought with a roll of my eyes.

"I wonder..." I heard Clara's voice beside me. "Why would you throw a party all of a sudden?" I turned to look at her. She had a smirk plastered on her perfect smokey makeup face. She was wearing a black knee-length dress that exposed her back and her signature red lipstick.

I never had any friends, but have you ever heard of childhood enemies? Yes, she is my childhood nemesis. I have a lot of competitors and rivals. Let me introduce you to the top of the list person – Clara Olsen.

"To give a nice farewell. I'm moving to New York this weekend. Your path is clear now." I mimicked her tone.

"Oh, barbie doll, accepted her defeat," she taunted, making me laugh.

"No, baby girl, I am pitying you," I taunted back with a wink. That made her scrunch up her nose in disgust while those blue eyes flashed anger, telling me she didn't like my statement, but who cared? Obviously, not me.

However, she was quick to recover it in a smudged smirk as she said, "Since you are leaving. What about playing a game for remembrance? Umm... Truth and Dare?"

Something must be barbecuing in her crazy brain. I could smell it.

"Sure, if you insist," I smirked.

"Oh, I insist, barbie doll." She smirked back.

"Tamam." I nodded.

"Let's call your friends... Oops! My bad, I forgot you don't have any. Let me call my friends," she taunted, smirked, winked, and left.

'Whatever!' I rolled my eyes at her.

Once she came back with her cats and dogs also known as friends, we all moved towards the V.I.P booth and sat on the comfortable sofas around the big round table. 

Once a Dare leads to Love (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now