|69|A Flying Moment (II)|

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Skylee P.O.V

My first instinct was to call out for help but we were practically in the middle of a forest, actually... Lost would be safe to say.

"Principessa," He mused at me. His voice sent another chill down my spine. I gulped and looked at Eric, who was looking behind me. I touched his hand, making him look at me.

"Don't speak," I told him and turned around to face my biggest fear in the face of Patrizio Adolfo.

There, at almost ten steps away, stood the murderer of my Enişte Edain. Someone who had destroyed my and Clara's childhood. Till that moment, I didn't know how actually I felt for him. Now when I was looking straight at him, I no longer felt fear, there was only hatred. The anger I felt towards him vanished all other emotions.

My gaze became confident as I glared at him. I didn't fear him. He didn't deserve to be fear of. He was just a coward who was on the run because my Baba destroyed his little perfect life and now, he was hiding from the police.

"Fancy seeing you here," I smirked. He looked amused at my response.

"How so?" His gaze moved to Eric. "I thought I disturbed a private moment."

My jaw clenched at his words. I felt alarmed because of the way he was looking at Eric.

"What do you want?" Eric asked him as he dragged me behind him and stood in front of me. The gesture was supposed to send warmth but it only panicked me.

I held his hand and whispered, "Stay out of this."

"Shut the fuck up for once!" He whispered yell at me.

"Aww, aren't you both so cute?" Adolfo grinned. I didn't like the vibe of it. Something didn't feel right. Something bad was going to happen. I looked at Adolfo then at Eric. I had done so much just to keep Eric safe. We were already in the climax of this game and I would be damn if I let anything happen to him.

I freed my hand from Eric's hold and stood in front of him. I could feel his body stiffen as he hissed, "Skylee!"

"Just one last time, Eric, let me handle this," I said to him as I watched Adolfo pulled out a gun.

My eyes widened and so my whole body froze. I felt my heart pounding so hard that I felt the throbbing painful enough to make me wince but I didn't. The flashbacks hit hard in my head, causing a throbbing pain there too. Yet, I stood motionless and just looked at him and the gun in his hand.

I could feel Eric pulling me behind him but I wasn't moving even an inch. He was scared and panicked. He feared for my safety and I feared for him.

"You know it's interesting to watch you like that. Motionless, scared... Just the way I like my prey to be." He smirked, his dark eyes shining in a dangerous glint.

"You fucker! Don't you dare to even think ill of her!" Eric's voice boomed in the silence of the dark.

The night had hugged the sky. Just like Skylee was bond to hug the darkness.

"Figlio, calm down. It's a personal thing. Don't get involved in mafia shit. Life will become shittier. And no one will want that. You have a nice set of siblings, you want them dead, figlio?" He talked as if, he really was advising his son.

I looked at Eric, his eyes were wide open with the veins in his neck protruded, his face had all signs of anxiety. I looked at his grey eyes as they locked with mine. They were so worried and concern that I couldn't help but touched his face. I caressed his clenched jaw, making him sigh.

I knew what I had to do. Asli would have already sent teams to look for us. I just had to make him stay a bit longer until they found us and caught him.

"Don't worry and let me handle it. Just trust me." I whispered as his eyes became hard and he frowned.



He didn't look convinced but he eventually nodded. I released myself from his hold and looked at Adolfo.

"You guys really are a cute couple. It's a pity that you don't have enough time left."

I could feel Eric heaving deep breaths at his comment but he stayed calm.

"You think you can show here, hurt me, and can go away easily? Haven't you heard what they say about Kingston? My Baba will skin you alive if you dare to hurt even a single strand of my hair." I said in a confident voice.

To be honest, I was feeling so stupid right now. I wish if I had listened to Asli and hadn't come here. I didn't know what I would do if he did something to Eric.

"You know, we are almost in the middle of these dark woods. I doubt if your Baba's men will be able to reach here in time to skin me alive. You know, Principessa, I did warm your father so many times but he's as stubborn as your Uncle Edain Olsen. Look where the stubbornness got your Uncle, six feet down the surface." I cut him off.

"You Bastardo!" I shouted.

He laughed while shaking his head, "I warned your father so many times, even offered him money but that man was hell-bent on taking his revenge. He succeeds too. He destroyed the money and reputation that I gained after years of struggle. I'll die sooner or later but it will be a pity if I died alone. He took away all of my assets. I'll take away his precious asset, which is you. Demir Kingston's only child, his beloved daughter. Have a nice trip to up above. May your soul rest in peace." As he finished his speech, he pointed the gun in my direction.

"Sky!" Eric tried to come forward but it was already too late.

The loud voice echoed in the woods, making the birds cried out loud.

The bullet left the gun at full speed and pierced right through my skin. The impact made me fall back as the hot sensation changed into sharp stinging pain. I gasped as black dots appeared in front of my eyes, breathing become difficult, and in a flash, I blacked out.

 I gasped as black dots appeared in front of my eyes, breathing become difficult, and in a flash, I blacked out

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Principessa: Princess.

Bastardo: Bastard.

Figlio: Son.

These are Italian words.

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