|06|First Detention|

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Skylee P.O.V

"I asked why the hell did you slap me?" He again whispered, fanning my face with his minty breath.

Why do bad boys like him have minty breaths?

"Speak up," he again whispered, leaning more that our noses were almost touching. I closed my eyes and gulped down the saliva as a cold shiver ran down my spine. Not to mention my crazy heartbeat and goosebumps that I was feeling all over me.

What's wrong with me? Why am I being so weak? He is freaking interrupting my personal space and no one dare to do it before!

I looked up at him only to meet with his piercing grey eyes looking at me so fiercely. My eyes didn't go anywhere else as I felt lost in those grey orbs but gladly, reality soon hit me that we weren't the characters of any clichè movie.

I frowned and pushed his muscular chest back only to again pulled him back to me by the collar of his jacket.

His eyes widened as he again ended up more close to my face, and this time, our nose touched, sending shiver after shiver down my spine. It was unexpected for him and also for me. Both of our breaths were coming out uneven and hell, could anyone remind me we were still in the school locker area.

"Why would I tell you?" I whispered, mimicking his early tone. Somehow finding my confidence still in me.

I saw the way his grey orbs calmed and amusement filled in them. The early fierce expressions were replaced with a smudged smirk. He put his hands back on both sides of me, again caging me in between him and the damn locker.

Bravo, Skylee! You have to pull him back after pushing him away. Just bravo!

"Is that so?" His smirk deepened. I tilted my head and raised my brows challengingly more like stupidly to provoke him more. Just two inches more and this idiot could happen to end up as my accident first kiss. Damn it!

'Why am I acting like a child? Why am I being so stupid?' I cursed myself. I had never behaved like this before and now it felt like I was losing control.

His eyes reflected how much he was enjoying all of this. Those beautiful grey orbs were full of amusement. Wait... Beautiful? Seriously!? I stopped the urge to snatch those eyes off his face in annoyance.


We both jump at our spot on the loud voice and snapped our heads in the direction of it. An angry man was standing there and I could imagine the smoke coming out of his ears.

"Care to explain what the hell were you two doing there?" That angry man asked who happened to be the school supervisor – Mr. Ryan.

I remained silent, tapping my shoe impatiently on the floor. Just once I got out of this room then I would surely teach a good lesson to this jerk who was standing beside me. I glared at him and he glared back before changing his facial expressions into an innocent nerd.

"Is this school or your dating point?" Mr. Ryan glared at both of us.

'Was it a dating gesture?' I thought and cursed when I remember our position and closeness. Yes, it was. Damn it!

"Sir, I swear I wasn't doing anything. She was the one trying to take advantage of me. Didn't you see how she was holding my jacket?" He said so innocently that for a moment I thought, he was being honest.

Yeah, I was taking advantage of him when his hands were on both sides of me, caging me in. I rolled my eyes at his reply.

"I think we can't take advantage of garbage. Isn't it true, sir?" I blinked my eyes innocently. Playing along with him with a triumph card.

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