|24|Stange Feelings|

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Skylee P.O.V

Who I am?

This question was rotating in my mind as I was watching the twirling movements of that Ferris Wheel from the window. It was shining with different colored lights, and it was the only thing I was watching for the past few days.

You could say a person in loneliness thinks strange things because he was alone and he practically had nothing to do. And we all knew in an empty mind, there were thousands of irregular and strange thoughts, making the person thought too deeply to even forgot his shit.

I didn't like the way I was feeling right now but I couldn't help it either. Neither could I divert my attention because I had nothing to do rather than sitting and thinking.

My Baba – Demir Kingston, was the tycoon of the business world, a uphold storm for rivals, one of the top 5 fortune 500, the CEO of the Kingston Clan, winner of the best businessman awards for the past ten years. Despite having lots of enemies, he still had not lost his fame. The Kingston Clan was known because of its unlimited approach to almost all fields including; electronics, restaurants, shopping malls, best architecture, farm industries, import, export, and even in vehicles of different brands had Kingston sponsorship.

Despite always being the center of attention, he never let any information leaked if he didn't want it to. You could found all of his business achievements on any website by just searching with his name but personal. He believed it was better to keep personal things confidential.

That explained why no one knew the most sensational person in the world had a daughter, Quine Skylee Kingston. They knew he had a child but particularly a daughter. My Baba wanted me to complete my graduation first and enjoy my freedom as much as I could before he would announce me on the media as the only heir of the Kingston Clan. And my eighteenth birthday would play the main role in it. As he would announce the new face of Kingston on that day which still had a month to go.

My Baba always preferred my freedom and the value I gave to things first.

Well, only if I ever did value to things. I never valued anything in my life as I always had a backup. If I broke a toy I got a new one only in an hour. So, it wasn't my fault if I was a spoiled brat or you could say a pampered daughter of parents. No one ever taught me to value things. I grew up knowing no matter what you could always replace old things with new ones, actually with better ones.

My Baba could do anything for me, I just have to say it once. I always enjoyed my life the way I desired. I never face any hardship neither did my Baba let me understood the meaning of suffering. I never got to know even if he was facing any business crises. We always spent weekends together. Playing all day, my father cooking meals for all of us, teasing Mum together. Those days were the best.

As for my Mum – Emma Vincent Kingston, she used her middle name 'Vincent' for her all NGOs and as a social worker, she had plenty of old age homes and orphanages all around the world, helping children to study and archived their dreams as well as old people to lived last days of their lives peacefully. She even helped my Baba in his business but they never neglected me like they were ignoring me since I came to New York.

Now thinking deeply, this all changed since I came to New York. I lost my connection with my parents. It was very strange because it never happened before. They always called me several times a day despite my lack of interest. But now, there was nothing, no call, no contact, nothing.

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