|39|Smiles and Apologies (II)|

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Skylee P.O.V

"Can we walk for a while?" Eric asked, as soon as we exit the Sweet Home. It was evening and the sun was already behind the horizon, scattering dim purple and yellow lights in the sky while birds were also heading back to their homes.

"No," I said and walked towards the car.

"Come on. Just to that tree there," he said, pointing towards a tree on the end of the road. I looked at my bodyguards and they silently shrugged in return.

Contemplating for a moment, I nodded. "Alright," I said and started to take slow steps on the pavement.

"Can't you say 'yes' for the first time? Why do I always get a straight 'no' to anything I ask?" He complained as he started to walk beside me.

"Don't beat around the bush. Tell me what do you want?" I asked, ignoring his complaint.

"Nothing. Just a walk," he said. Despite the urge to look at his face right now, I kept my eyes in front of me.

I chuckled. "Oh, come on. The great Cactus wants nothing but a walk. I can't digest it."

"I'm not that bad." He muttered under his breath but I heard it anyway.

"Okay then. I want to ask you something and then I want to say something," he said and stopped.

I, too, stopped and turned around. Now, we were standing face-to-face on a very deserted road. The beautiful evening sky above us, the passing slow chilly breeze, and the strange stare of his gorgeous hypnotizing eyes made a strange feeling appeared in the pit of my stomach.

I breathed to relax and ignored the crazy thumping of my heart before saying, "I'm listening."

He blinked and the corner of his lips turned upward. "Why am I not on that limited friend list of yours?" He asked.

"Ask yourself," I said with a straight face. The corner of his lips immediately turned downward making me thought two things. One, why I felt bad after being rude to him? Two, why my focus was only on his lips? I moved my eyes upward to stare at his eyes.

"Well about that..." He trailed off then scratched the back of his neck. Then looked around awkwardly, he kept on shifting on his feet for a good one minute then finally exhaled.

I watched his all-action with an amused smile. Was he being nervous? Wow. That was another sight to behold. And the mischief part of me wanted to tease him more.

"Come on, we don't have the whole night," I said, hiding my smile and again making a straight face when he looked up at my face.

"I..." He paused, putting his hands in his jean pockets, he continued, "I apologized for my behavior but you know it was not wholly my fault. You slapped me first for some unknown reason that I'm still wondering what I did wrong to pissed you off. So you see, you slapped me and I was very angry and wanted to revenge on you. I really wanted to teach you a good lesson before but not now. So, I pranked you and you pranked me. It's a kind of equal situation. So..." He shrugged.

I tried hard not to let that smile broke down on my lips, but for the first time, I failed and I didn't regret it. I smiled wholeheartedly at his speech. Of course, he got slapped for no reason but a dare. And he didn't have to know that. Besides, did he really said 'not now'? My heart was doing that fast thud-thud again.

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