|37|NGO Tour|

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Skylee P.O.V

I took a shower and wrapped the bathrobe around my body. Standing in front of the mirror, I dried my hair with the towel as my mind again took the subway to what happened earlier.

After Owen, of course, with the help of Rosalyn succeed in making Helen agree to come to his place. We ate late-night breakfast because by the time we were done it was already 3 AM. He invited all of us, even me too, but I apologized and told him I had some urgent things to deal with.

He nodded in understanding but Rosalyn created a fuss, somehow, I handled her. Since I had no dress to wear and probably no shop would be open at this early. I borrowed a dress from Helen. They created a big fuss asking me different questions like was I going on a date or something and blah blah blah.

I didn't tell them anything and answered them with my glare. After that, I left Helen's house, collected all gifts from the airport, and by the time we reached Brother Xander's house. It was 6 AM.

In all that, Cactus was strangely playing cool. He didn't look at me after giving me that smile and it would be a lie if I said it wasn't bothering me.

Anyhow, when we came home. My genius bodyguards, note the sarcasm, didn't have the keys to the house. But before I could praise them with my remarks, a figure appeared from the main gate, showed us the key, and said 'I guess, you guys don't have the keys.' And all I could do was shot a glare at my bodyguards.

By the way, that figure was none other than Cactus himself.

After taking a 5-hour nap, I woke up and decided to get ready. I shook my head to jerk these thoughts away and looked in the mirror. I had flawless white skin that I inherited from my mother and emerald green almond shape eyes something that was inherited in the Kingston family, a little pointed yet perfect nose, kind of heart shape lips, and raven black too-straight hair, something I got from my Baba. All in all, I looked like a perfect Kingston.

"You're so beautiful, Skylee Kingston." I praised myself and chuckled at my craziness.

Busy in drying my hair with the towel, I stepped out of the washroom into the room only to found an idiot sitting comfortably on my bed with his face ducked in my novel. As if, noticing my presence, he looked up at me with a smirk.

"What are you doing over here?" I asked, raising my brows and putting the towel aside.

"Well..." His stupid smirk deepened as he shamelessly traveled his grey orbs over my body. To his luck, all parts that needed to be cover were covered and the robe was below my knees. "I was waiting for a heaven sight."

I shot him a glare and he shrugged.

"But seriously? Forty Rules of Love? I didn't know you read these kinds of books. What is written in it? I didn't know there are forty rules to love someone." He smirked and I literally felt the urge to defend my novel but I chose not to waste my brain cells on him.

"Again. What are you doing here?" I asked, glaring at him.

"Again. I'm still waiting for a heaven sight." He retorted with the same smirk plastered on his lips.

I clenched my jaw but before I could kick his stupid ass out of my room. Placing the novel aside, he stood up and came towards me. Like any stupid girl in a cliche movie or novel, I didn't step backward instead I held my posture confident and glared at him.

"I want to ask you something." He said as he took another step towards me, closing the one-step distance and now, was standing so close that he was interrupting my personal space. And the stupid part of me didn't mind it instead, my heart fluttered.

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