|19|My screwed Friends|

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Eric P.O.V

"You're working really hard, Eric. I only want one thing, this time your team shall get that trophy back from them. Don't disappoint me and STG High. Understood?" My coach tapped my shoulder.

"Understood, Sir," I replied confidently.

As the Basketball League Championship was approaching, we had doubled our practice timing. This league was for the trophy with our rival's team who were skilled in dribbling, shooting, defense, passing, rebounding, and their speed was pretty good. Last time, we lost from them, being overconfident that we had never lost to anyone, we pretty much underestimated them.

Served us well, as they won the trophy. So, this time we had to win our pride back. We wouldn't let them win. As a captain, it was my responsibility to train my boys and we were working very hard. I was doing my best to overcome each of our weak points. We were confident to turn the tables in the coming league.

"Good. Where is Zack by the way? He missed practice." Coach asked and I had to make a lame excuse. I didn't know where he was and why he didn't come to practice. Zack never missed any practice before, at least not before informing. I just only hope he wouldn't be in trouble.

Once the coach left, giving us some more instruction, few tips for tricks, and telling us to work even harder as we had to win this tournament at any cost. We went to changing room, took a quick shower, and changed out of the basketball uniform.

"Where is Zack?" Owen asked as we walked towards the lockers.

"I don't know. He shouldn't have missed the practice for whatever reasons. He's been irresponsible," I said, pulling out my phone to call him.

"Hope so he won't be in trouble." Owen sighed.

"Well, recently the person known for trouble is not Trio. It's Miss Lizard." I chuckled, remembering the two days ago incident when she knocked two-person on that track, and today, she effortlessly scared everyone.

I admit, I told her name to Mr. Ryan because I was mad at her. But it couldn't stop the effect she had on me. When she told Mr. Ryan about that Gila monster lizard, apart from looking bold, fierce, and stupidly intelligent, as if, she knew she used to be a relative of lizards on some old ages. I found her mesmerizing in a way I couldn't explain even to myself.

Still, she had to know not to mess with Trio, especially with Eric Xander. And for that, she deserved good detention. Considering even Rosalyn got scared, as she had Herpetophobia since childhood. I forgot about the weird tingles and told him her name.

But it totally turned out different as Rosalyn was the first person to yell at me for telling her name. Now screw me!

But... If I thought a bit deeper, everyone knew that Helen was behind that prank and my act proved that I was with Helen in the mission of expelling her. Well honestly, not even a tiny part of me wanted her expelled. I didn't know why?

So, I supposed... Maybe...  Just a bit... I regret telling her name. Perhaps I shouldn't have told her name, but now who cared? It was already too late to regret. And I don't think they would expel her.

"Miss Lizard?" Owen asked confused, cutting the long chain of my thoughts.

I again chuckled. I thought since she had a name for me, I should name her too. And after today, Lizard seemed appropriate to me. I was about to tell him who Miss Lizard was when we heard the shouting of two familiar voices from some distance.

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