Chapter 3

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"Becca, can I leave you inside? Will you be alright?" 

"Yea Fred. I'll be alright. Go ahead go outside" I said quietly. 

"All right I will let the guys know you are awake so they don't freak out on me for leaving you inside." He said with a little laugh. I nodded as he got up to go outside. When he was holding my hand when I woke up I felt butterflies in my stomach... Why though? I have never been attracted to Fred. I decided to get up and get dressed at least.  I walked up the stairs slowly and got to Ginny's room without falling down the stairs. I grabbed some black leggings and put them on and kept Fred's sweater on. I walked back downstairs and got some medicine for my head then went outback. 

"Becca! Are you alright?" Hermione came up to me.

"Yea, yea I'm fine. Where is Zamira?" 

"Oh, she went out to Diagon Alley to do her school shopping early." Hermione said as she sat back down on the chairs from two days ago. I came over and sat with her. I watched as they played a little game of Quidditch.  The cold air felt good on my face and it felt good on my head. 

"Hey, Becca! I'm glad you're awake." Zamira said behind me

"Oh yea me too. I felt awful those two days." I said and she looked down at my shirt. 

"So you and Fred or??" She asked

"Oh no! I am still with Draco but when I woke up I was freezing so he offered me his shirt. When are the Weasley's meant to be back?" I changed the subject quickly they looked at me and smirked and wiggled their eyebrows.

"They are meant to come back in 2 days. So you have 2 days to get completely better!" Ginny said as she hopped off her broom. I nodded and got up and went inside. Their Quidditch game ended so I didn't want all of them crowding me. I headed upstairs to the attic it was a nice quiet place to hide when you didn't want to be seen or found. Expect when there were boggarts up there because it's dark. But there hasn't been one up there for about a month. I went to my little set up that I have with a Blanket and Pillows. I sat down and read Romeo and Juliet. It is like an escape from reality. It is a great muggle book. They are better than wizard books. 

"Hey. Are you alright?" Ron came up to the attic to ask me. He is the only one that knows that I stay up here.

"Yea. Just need to get away for a little bit. Are the others wondering where I am?"

"Yea. They are talking about dinner. Do you wanna come down with me?" 

"Yea. I'll come" I said getting up and slowly going down the ladder so I don't fall and hit my head. I walked down the stairs and sat on the couch with the others.

"Where have you been hiding?" Harry asked when I sat down on my normal spot.

"Oh here and there. My head was hurting so I just went to go read." I half lied and they nodded. 

"We should go to the 3 broomsticks for dinner." Zamira said with a smile on her face.

"She has been asking for it for the past 2 days but we kept saying no because we know you love it so you wanna go?" George said looking at me

"Sure. I'm game let me go get ready." I said getting up to head upstairs. I grabbed a black loose turtle neck and grey baggy jeans and my black boots. I did light makeup and threw my hair up into a ponytail. I headed back downstairs and handed Fred his sweater so he could put it away. We grabbed some floo powder and we headed to the 3 broomsticks. 

"Hello welcome to the 3 broomsticks if you follow me I can seat you right over here." The waiter took us to a large enough table for the eight of us. She gave us menus and walked over to other tables.

"So what should we get? I think we get two Great Feasts to feed us all." Harry said and we just went with it. 

"Alright what can I get you guys?" The waiter came back ready to take our orders."

"Can we just get 2 Greats feasts and 8 butterbeer please?" Harry said for all of us. The waiter wrote it down and soon later came back with our butterbeer. 

"So guys tonight I'm thinking we have a movie night? Maybe 2-3 movies? Like the muggle movies, Dazed and Confused, Cry Baby, and if we aren't tired by the 3rd movie The little rascals?" Hermione suggested. 

"That sounds like a perfect night to me!" Harry said and we all agreed. We got our food a little bit later and we ate and we all chipped in for the check. We used floo powder to get back home and we got ready for the movie. We sat down and watched Daze and Confused first. It was a little slow and boring. Then Cry Baby which was interesting and a little funny. Ron and Ginny passed out during the first movie. It was cute though because Ron fell asleep with Hermione in his lap and Ginny fell asleep in Harry's lap. Zamira was laying with George. I knew they fancied each other since Zamira was in 2nd year. Fred was on the floor and I was in my normal spot. 

"Ima head to bed guys." Hermione broke the silence. 

"Yeah me too," Fred said and got up and head upstairs.

"Alright, ima stay here guys considering I can't get up with her on my legs." Harry said with a little laugh. Hermione, Zamira, and I got up and headed to bed. I realized Zamira wasn't behind me and I turned around and she and George were kissing. I turned around and ran upstairs to tell Hermione.
"Mione! Zamira and George were kissing downstairs before she got up to come up here. I knew they were in love I knew it" Hermione started to laugh because Zamira would always deny it.

"What you guys laughing about?" She came through the door with a confused look on her face.

"Oh, you know. You and George kissing. Downstairs before you came up here!" Hermione said giving her a playful push.

"Right. Let's keep it a secret from everyone else. You weren't meant to see it."

"Right okay deal! Let's just head to bed" I said changing and getting into bed. 

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