Chapter 33

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"Wake up. Wake up." I heard Hermione yell at me. I wasn't in the mood to get up. It was Valentine's day. The day of love, knowing Draco he would only get me chocolate. I don't like chocolate I guess it's the thought that counts. The blankets were ripped off of me then all of a sudden cold water hit my whole body. "Oh, my Merlin! Hermione! You have to be kidding me!" I heard giggles all around me. I sat up with anger in my eyes. I grabbed my wand and dried myself. I would shower before the dance anyways. I threw on leggings and a red top with white hearts on it. All of us headed down to breakfast, I was so hungry. 

My eyes were covered I could tell it was Ginny's hands covering my eyes. 

"What is going on?"

"You'll see!" Hermione chimed next to me. I heard the great hall door open and I heard kids chattering around me. We took a sudden stop and my eyes were uncovered and Draco was sitting in front of me. He grabbed a box off the table.

"Open it love, Happy Valentine's day." He said putting the box into my hand. I opened it and saw a gorgeous ring it has a navy blue gem right in the middle and around it there were dark purple gems. I put it onto my middle finger and threw my arms around Draco and gave him a kiss. 

"Thank you. I love it and I love you. I have something for you as well." I pulled out a frame from my bag and handed it to him. On the inside was a picture of us and around it was things I love about him. He blushed as he read some of the things. He pulled me into another hug. I sat next to him and filled my plate with pancakes, bacon, and eggs. 

6:00 pm

The dance was packed with tons of students. Fred was nowhere to be seen. Zamira and George were having a great time. Hermione and Ginny were having a good time. Luna and Neville were in their own little universe. Then Ron looked miserable with Lavendar. Harry was with Cho Chang. And me... Well, Draco was running a little late.  


"Hey, I am so sorry I am late!" Draco came rushing in fixing his tie. 

"It's fine I guess. There are only 40 minutes left then 4th year and up are going to a party in the Gryffindor Common room. Want to dance? They are playing slow songs." I said to him fidgeting with my hands. He took them into his hand and led me onto the dance floor. "You look wonderful tonight." I blushed at his words, they played slow songs for the next 10 minutes. They then turned it up to something more fun. 


"Can I cut in?" Astoria popped up out of nowhere. There were 5 minutes left, I didn't want to say yes but she just nudged me out of the way. I went to sit down with Ginny and Hermione. "What's wrong?" Ginny asked as she saw my frown. I pointed to Draco and Astoria. I wanted to Avada Kedavra that girl so badly too bad it was illegal. The next 5 minutes were very boring, we were cleared out by Filch. We all just headed over to the Gryffindor Common room. Hopefully, this would be better than the stupid Valentine's day dance. 

The common room was full of food and drinks. There was music blaring out of muggle speakers. Tables and chairs were pushed over to the side. There were many drinks, only one of them nonalcoholic. It was a bit funny cause George was smart enough to put a charm over the alcoholic drink to where only 6th and 7th years could drink them. Although he did make an expectation for his friends beside Ginny cause she was a 4th year. Fred was still nowhere to be seen. He never misses parties.


I am so tired now! I am about to go to sleep but this is only a filler. It's almost 4:30 am so goodnight my lovely human.

Stay Safe <3

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