Chapter 42

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I told them my favorite things about each of them. I left out sexual parts cause that is private and I don't need them knowing about it. They look at me as I blush talking about Fred. My cheeks didn't get this red when I talked about Draco. Fuck I have the hots for Fred bad!

May 24th 

"Are you sure you can't come to the burrow? You have nowhere to go!" Ginny said as we got off the train entering King's cross. 

"I am sure I have things to do. I have enough muggle money for a hotel I will be fine." I say as we approach Molly. I let her know that I will not be going to the Burrow this summer. She nods and I grab my things and start walking to the muggle airport. This is going to be the first time on a plane. I hope I can get wizarding things through. I don't want any fuss about it. 

I tuck my wand into my backpack full of muggle books to read on the plane. I make it to the plane with no fuss about anything. I am relieved once I sit down on the plane. I had pulled enough money together to get first-class so I didn't have to sit next to anyone. The planes started to take off and I got nervous. Shadow was in her crate under my legs and Talen was going to meet me there. My parents don't know I am coming. I got their address a couple of years ago so I could send things. 

The plane ride was simple, I grabbed my things and called this thing called a cab. I told the driver to go to a store near my parent's house so I didn't show him where they lived. I didn't know if it was a muggle neighborhood or a wizarding one. It was a 10-minute walk, I let Shadow walk alongside me as I approached their house. It was a large cabin with moss and vines going up the side. It was gorgeous, I saw Talen up in one-up the huge trees they had in their yard. This is really what Maryland looks like? 

I rang their doorbell and it was a fancy chime. The door opened and it was the house-elf. Wizarding area I am guessing.  

"Rebecca! How lovely to see you. Come in! Mom and dad are in the kitchen and your brother in his room doing summer homework. I will take your bags to your room."

"Wait! Opal, did you say my room?"

"Yes! I will show you after you greet your mom and dad."

"Okay." I walked towards the kitchen it was large. Mom and dad had their backs turned away from me. So I sat down at the island waiting for them to notice me. Mom turned around and looked up at me and gasped. 

"My baby! How are you here?" My mom ran towards me and threw her arms around me. 

"I took a plane!" I said and hugged her back. My dad came around and gave us a group hug. I was happy to be with my family. I noticed my mom's stomach was a little larger than normal. Now I know it's rude to assume but I couldn't help to think that she is pregnant... 

I followed my elf to my room. It was large and looked like it has never been touched. I wish I could stay here forever. My bed was large, queen size with a blue comforter on it. I open a chest in front of it and see a ton of stuffed animals from my childhood. I pull out an elephant toss it up in the air.


"I am going to win this Rachel!" I yell to my childhood friend as we threw up the elephant in the air not letting it touch the ground. 

"No, I will!" She yells catching it she throws it up one more time and I fall to catch it. Out of anger I picked it up off the ground and threw it into the air. It started to float, I and Rachel looked up at it confused. When I took my gaze off it, it fell to the grounds. Did I do that?

That was my first time getting a magical power that's how I knew I was going to Hogwarts. I haven't seen Rachel in for years I should go see if she still lives in her old house soon. 

I put the elephant back and go into my closet. It's empty... I put away clothes from my trunk that I don't want to be ruined or wrinkled. After I finish I find my brother's room. I knock before entering because that is what I would want him to do for me. 

"Come in!" He yells from the other side. I open the door to see him sitting on his bed reading. I look at the book. The great gatsby a muggle book. 

"Excuse young man aren't you meant to be doing summer homework?" I ask him closing the door. 

"Rebecca! You're here I have missed you so much!" He hops his bed and crashes into my body wrapping his arms around me. I pick him up spinning him. He is only two years younger than me it isn't hard to pick him up at all. 

"What are you doing here?" He asks me with tears in his brown eyes. 

"I don't know I guess I just missed my little brother." I plop on his queen-size bed.

"Kids? I and your father have something to tell you." My mother comes upstairs into his room. We look at each other and shrug walking downstairs. We sit in their living space, I am glad they are doing well here. 

"So there are two things. We will start with the one that will only necessarily affect you Adrian, but Rebecca you will be happy about it." Mum says turning on their fireplace. 

"We are moving back to England in a month." My father says, I gasp and look at my brother who has a grin on his face. 

"Really? Does that mean I can move back in with you guys? And my friends visit? Where will you guys be moving to?" I ask I seem to be rambling too many questions at once.

"We were thinking about next to the Weasleys but we didn't want to up them in their house and make them feel bad about it. So the closet wizarding area near them which is about 20 minutes. And yes if you want to you can move in with us. And of course, you can have your friends visit." My mum explains this is amazing news. 

"Wait 20 minutes from the Weasleys? Isn't that our old neighborhood?"

"Yes, they have fantastic houses over there now!" Dad says rubbing his hands in front of the fire. 

"So what is making us move? What about school?" Adrian asks, he was quiet this whole time. 

"America isn't muggle-friendly in the wizarding world. Your dad is a half-blood so England is a better place for us. And you will transfer to Hogwarts unless you want to stay at ilvermorny."

"I will of course go to Hogwarts! Alright, what is the second thing?"

"Well, the second this is..." 

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