Chapter 6

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"Oi! Becca wake up we fell asleep. Wake up before anyone assumes anything." Fred was shaking me violently.

"Dude stop shaking me you are going to give me brain damage!"

"You don't have that already that?" He bursts out into laughter

"That's mean. I'm not talking to you for the rest of the day!"

"Fine no Honey pancakes."

"Wait Fred! No I am sorry!! Please no!"

"Fine fine! But you have to help me. It is time you learn little one." He said grabbing my arms. 

"Oh come Freddie!! Really?"

"Yup! Come on get me the honey and flour." I grabbed the things he needed and I sat up on the counter and watched him make the pancakes.

"You know you are meant to help right? Not just watch me."

"A big part of learning is just to watch observing! Did school not teach you anything!"

"Yea whatever! You just want to kiss this beautiful face of mine."

"In your dreams Fredrick!" He laughed and mumbled something but couldn't hear him. I wish I knew what he said. I brushed it off as if it was nothing. He finished cooking and made himself a plate.

"Hey what about me?" I ask him following him out of the kitchen. 

"Since you didn't help me make food, you will have to make your own plate."

"Freddie please!"


"Fine I wont eat!"

"Fine ill make you a plate!"

"Yay!!" I said and sit down at the table and he brought me a plate.

"Thank you Freddie! Maybe next time I will help you cook!"

"Yea yea whatever." He said laughing as he sat down.

"Good Morning!" Ron came downstairs. Fred and I looked at each other with confused faces.

"You are up early. Why is that?"

"Because I only had to deal with snoring last night. Fred didn't talk in his sleep like normal. It was great! So I had a goodnight of sleep!"

"Oh right! Well I'm glad you sleep well Ron!" I said and kept eating my breakfast. He grabbed some himself and sat with us. 

"Good morning! Are you guys ready for today?" Hermione came down stairs 

"What is today?" Fred looked at her with one of his eyebrows up. 

"Were going school shopping today duh! Of course you guys forgot." Mione said grabbing food.

"Good morning! Becca I didn't hear you come upstairs last night or wake up with morning." Zamira said when said sat down with all of us.

"I guess I was being quiet. Well I got to get ready see you guys soon."


I am tired so I am going to end this chapter a bit short! Sorry but yeaaa! I wont be updating for the rest of the night! Stay safe guys <3

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