Chapter 41

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The house-elves brought our food. I was so hungry that I ate it all in under 5 minutes. Who am I kidding I do that even if I am not that hungry. I flopped down onto the bed and wanted to sleep right then in there but the light was too bright.

"I have got an idea! What if Zamira tells us what she sees in my dear brother," Ginny said sitting up on her bed. 

"Oh! Alright seeing it as you never stop pestering me about it! He is sweet, amazing, loyal, open about things. He protects me when I need it. And he isn't rude, annoying. But you have to remember what that tong-" 

"Stop! I don't need those details." Ginny said covering her ears. Zamira smirked and went on.

"And his hands, but his middle fing-."

"Zamira stop! That is disgusting merlin!" I shout out. She just giggles and tumbles off the bed. All of us look at her in disgust. I know how I am going to tease George from now on.

"Hermione tell us about Ron," I tell her, she blushes at the mention of his name.

"Okay. Well, nothing is going on between us because he is too pansy to do anything. But when he does get close he gives the greatest cuddles. He tries to protect me. He has a great sense of humor. I like to tease him with spiders. But over-all he is just a great boy." She blushes with every word. She is so in love it's crazy. 

"I brought something to get us going." Luna went to her bag and pulled out a bag full of a blue purplish leaf. 

"It is a new wizard thing you eat it and it's supposed to have the same effect as weed but stronger and makes it more fun."

"I better not, I can't betray Fred. We both agreed to stay away from that stuff cause if he cannot do it I cant either to make it fair." I said turning out the light to get changed. I looked over at Luna and the bag she was holding had a strange glow to it... "Okay, maybe one night won't hurt," I say switching the light on. I grabbed the bag and put a leaf into my mouth. It took effect right then and there. The room was brighter and more pretty. The room looked colorful and fun.

People in the wizarding world always come up with great ideas.  Soon the room was different colors and smelled different. It didn't last long though. Each leaf is a 30-minute thing. The feeling was amazing though. Like an out of body experience. Luna passed out on the 2nd extra bed and Zamira has to share with me. Not my ideal choice but it is whatever. Soon Hermione is passed out and Ginny is asleep. And then Zamira and I am left there alone with my thoughts. 

I soon get bored and leave the dorm to the common room. A familiar flash of red hair is sitting on the couch. I move slowly behind him and sit behind the couch till I find my perfect time to scare him. 

"Freddie..." I whispered in an haunting voice from behind him. 

"What- I am most likely just tired." I hear him say as he groans. I reach my hand up and poke his head lightly. I felt him get stiff.

"Well this is the time I die." He says with a shakey voice.

"Nope not just yet!" I say popping up from behind the couch. Fred jumps and turns around a goes red. 

"Damn it Rebbca you scared me."

"Good that will get you back for all the times you have scared me."

"What are you doing up? And why do your lips have a blue purplish tint to them? Have you been doing that new thing Luna has been offering people?"

"I can't sleep and I only had one."

"Oh... Was it good?"

"Fred I can't tell you that or you will want some."

"Please go get me one!"

"Fred no I cannot do that to you. You have been doing so good in recovering!"

"But please even Luna said that they arent addicting."

"Not what she told me. She said that they are very addicting that's why I only had one end of conversation."

"I know. But-"

"No buts Fredrick. Wait... Why are your lips blueish purple? You had some didn't you?!"

"Yea.. I had 5."

"Five?! Fred that is horrible for you! No wonder you wanted more." I look at him in disbelief. 

"I'm sorry... Everyone was doing it the lights went out and the bag was glowing I couldn't resist."

I was angry that he did five. I could understand one or two but five could really mess with you. It has to do something with the glow of the drug. I glared at him and got up to leave. 

"Wait! Stay with me. We could sleep on the couch together." He says pulling me back. I roll my eyes and lay on the couch snuggling into him. As always he was warm and smelled so good. 

"I'll keep away from it I promise." He says into my hair.

"Okay thank you Fred."

I slowly start to fall asleep. I set a time on my watch for 5:30 so I could sneak back to the dorm without any questions from students. 

I woke up and was upset that this moment had to end. I woke up Fred to tell him to head to his dorm so that I can head to Hermione's. He got up, gave me a hug goodbye. I slowly walked back to the dorm and crawled into bed with Zamira. I fell straight back to sleep. To only wake up 3 hours later to Hermione waking up and throwing pillows all of us. I groan as I rub my eyes suddenly cold water is dumped on my face. Not again...

"Wakey wakey ladies!" Hermione says sitting back down on her bed. She didn't do it just to me she did it to everyone. I hate when she does this shit. 

"You know what I realized?" Ginny said as she cracked her neck.

"What is that Gin?" Hermione asked her.

"Miss Rebecca here has never told us what she sees in Draco or Fred. I'd like to know so spill!" 

I roll my eyes annoyed at what they are wanting from me. 


Next chapter will be up tomorrow. I went rollerblading with my friend and her sister. My feet have blisters, my knees have bruises. And my thighs and calves are in so much pain :( Goodnight guys!

Stay safe <3

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