Chapter 44

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Dear Rebbeca, 

I think it is best you stay back from my birthday this year. I think once we get back to Hogwarts we will have had a long enough break from each other. I am sorry for not inviting you this year. I love you and tell your family I said Hi. See you soon at school. 


What the fuck did I just read... Ugh, he pisses me off! He thinks everything is my fault! I know it. He is such a hypocrite! I rip up the letter and throw it on the hawthorn desk! I pull out my quill and decide to see if Rachel still lives where she does. I will inform Talen to leave it on the doorstep instead of giving it to someone. They are muggles in a wizarding area... I never put that together. 

Dear Rachel,

I hope this you, it's Rebecca I am taking a chance of seeing if you still live in this house. Hopefully, you do. I miss you dearly and guess what my family plans on moving back! I hope this gets you and if not. To whoever is reading this um just throw it away. 

-Rebbecca Flowers

I called for Talen he seems annoyed but he can suck it up. I gave him extra treats and he went on his way. I looked at the clock and it was late so I crawled into bed and went to sleep. 

May 30th

"Happy birthday!" My family shouted as my brother walked downstairs. There were balloons, cake, and his present. 

He opened his present and his eyes lit up. He pulled Jinx out of the crate and cuddle him. I could hear Jinx purring. What a perfect match. I ruffled my brother's light brown hair. He gets that from my mom. I took my dad's striking black hair. He put down the cat and cut a piece of his cake. We ate cake then went out to a lovely wizarding restaurant. We have to lie and say dad is a wizard or else they won't let us in. It's annoying America is so strict. 

We sat down and ordered our food and drinks. It was so good but England wizarding food was better. When we got home it was late so we headed to bed. Once I got up to my room. Talen was back finally. After a couple of days, I was getting worried. He had a letter, I took it from him and read it. 

"Dear Rebecca,

I have missed you so much! So it is Rachel obviously. How is Hogwarts? By the way, I saw your owl, I know you thought I was a muggle but I wasn't a week after you got your magical abilities I got mine. I didn't go to Hogwarts my Mum didn't want me to. I am finally convincing her to let me go. So 6th year I will be there! You will have to catch me up on all the drama and introduce me to your friends. My dad introduced me to the Weasleys this week! They were wonderful. I noticed there was a picture of you on their clock. So they know you obviously. Fred was a cutie but a little mean. Harry was an Angel! Hermione was a little snobby she wouldn't stop talking about the summer homework. I ended up going to Beauxbatons but finally going to Hogwarts. Ginny was sweet as well. I can't wait till I can get closer with Fred. I also met Zamira, I noticed her and George so I know they are together. I hope Fred doesn't have a girlfriend. Any time I would try to flirt with him Hermione, Ginny, and Zamira would give me a glare. It was quite rude! But I hope to see you soon! 

-Love Rachel

Her talking about Fred like that made my blood boil. I walked to my bathroom and slammed the door shut. I was pissed, I took hair dye out from under the sink. I brought this with me from England in case I got bored. Well, I need this off my mind so here I go. I took my front strands and bleached them. Then once that was down I dyed them red. 

They were perfect I loved them. It helped my anger a tad bit if I ever hear Rachel talk about Fred like that in front of me she will get punched. I know she doesn't know how I feel about it's just annoying! She will most likely guilt trip me when I tell her when I see her again. Like she always did when we were younger. 

I took a shower to clear my head. The warm water was amazing. Way better than the Weasley water heater. I got out put my hair into a bun and went to bed.

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