Chapter 29

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I have been at Hogwarts no longer than a week, Fred and George have tried to talk to me many times each time I have runoff. I do not want to talk to either of them. I don't even talk to the others. As of right now I only have Draco and Luna. Luna doesn't judge no matter the situation and Draco just don't know. I have been staying with Luna in her dorm. I don't want to face Zamira. At meals, I sit with Draco and his friends. It isn't the same as sitting with my friends. His friends are gross, loud, and annoying. 

I was in Luna's room when I realized I needed to get stuff from my dorm. I made my way to the Slytherin Common and to my dorm. And to my luck, all the girls were there. 

"Hey, where have you been? I know you aren't staying with Draco." Zamira said to me right as I opened the door. I walked to my dresser and pulled out the things I needed. "I have been around you know? I just needed a few things cya." 

I felt Ginny's grip on my wrist she turned me around and forced me to sit down. 

"Where have you been?"

"You sound like your mum Ginny."

"Do I care? I know you have been avoiding everyone."

"Well good job stating the obvious Ginny. Now I have to get going curfew is soon."

"Where are you staying?" Hermione spoke up

"None of your business. Now goodbye."

I could feel my eyes swarming with tears. I ran out of there and headed to the Ravenclaw common room. I headed up to Luna's dorm she was on her bed reading the quibbler. She looked up at me and tilted her head.

"Your head is full of thoughts and nargles. What is wrong Rebecca?" She put her Quibbler down and I sighed laying down on the extra bed in her room. 

"My heart is flustered, I am in love with two people at once. I love Fred and I know when he sees me with Draco his heartbreaks. But I don't want to hurt Draco, I love him too." Luna got up off her bed and pulled me into a hug. "I understand how you feel, Neville has been getting close to Hannah Abbott. But I know what you are going through is harder."

Luna was always so understanding, we headed to bed. Today was a long-drawn-out day tomorrow we have our first classes. I didn't want to go to Potions, only cause I have to sit next to the twins in that class. 

When I woke up this morning Luna was sitting on her bed reading again. I got up and put on my uniform and my doc martens. I dismissed myself from Luna and headed out. I headed to breakfast everywhere was full. My spot next to Draco was filled by Astoria. 

"Hey, can you move?" I walk over to the table.

"Um no."

"Here let me rephrase this Astoria, get the fuck out of my spot and away from my fucking boyfriend." I snapped everyone gave their reaction, Astoria got up and pushed me. I dropped my bag and slapped her across the face. She ended up tackling me to the ground. I was able to get on top of her. She kept pulling my hair but what was that gonna do. I slapped her again and again. Until I was pulled off of her, a familiar smell filled my nostrils. Fucking Fred, I got out of his grip and grabbed my bag. I headed down to the bathroom, my nose was bleeding and my lip was swollen. 

"Fuck." I cussed under my breath. I turned on the water and got my nose to stop bleeding. I headed out to Potions, I didn't want to be late.

"Goodmorning class, please all 5th years take out the homework that was assigned to you over the break. I will collect those after I get the quizzes passed out. Great the quiz on the basics of Amortentia. Shouldn't be too hard.

"Hey little one, quite the show you put on in the great hall this morning."

"Shove off George."

Snape passed out the quiz and took my paper. I quickly started on the quiz, it was actually really easy. Once I finished I handed it up to Snape. "Stay right there I will grade this quickly." He graded my quiz. The whole time I was nervous. "Well done miss flowers. Perfect score on your homework and quiz. You are dismissed." 

I headed down to the library before my next class. I went to the muggle book section and found some great novels. I grabbed one called the outsiders by S.E Hinton. I went up to the desk to check out the book. The librarian never liked me because I would come in here for muggle books. She gave me a sarcastic smile. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my book and went on about my day.


I stayed up till 4 am last night and right now I have a headache. I want to write the next chapter but I have horrible writer's block right now ugh!

Stay safe <3

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