Chapter 37

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The next morning Fred and I agreed for me to help him recover from his addictions. I told him to sit on George's bed while I went through everything he owned looking for a hidden drink or drug. He got tense when I looked through his clothes but I didn't find anything besides a letter but I did not read it. I had to check behind pictures as well. Did I find anything behind them? Yes, I did I found some under his mattress and under his bed. I had him tell me his hiding spots with a little bit of truth serum. That made it easier for me to clean out his room. Next thing was to get Neville and Luna to stop giving him things. 

"Hey, Neville can you do a favor?" I walked into the Gryffindor common room.

"Sure what is it?"

"I need you to stop dealing to Fred no matter how much he asks you say no."

"Oh alright, you might want to tell Luna as well."

"Yep! Already sent an owl to her it's all good. Thanks, Nev!"

I headed back to his common room and Fred look so bored. I got a great idea since I just learned a new charm that was amazing. 

"Hey Freddie, do you want to dance? I got a charm that plays music."

"Sure why not."


A slow song started to play it sounded like there were speakers all around us. He put his hands on my waist which gave me butterflies. I put my hands around his shoulders. He was an amazing dancer. This makes up for not being able to dance with him at the Valentine's dance. I leaned into his chest and laid my head there. He was warm and smelled really good. He spun me around and lifted me off the floor. 

"Thank you for helping me Rebecca It means the world to me." He said as the song was ending.

"Of course Fred." I got onto my tippy toes and kissed his cheek. Man, I loved him so much but what was I going to do about Draco... I love him too. But my mum always said, "If you really loved the first you wouldn't have fallen for the 2nd..." I miss her and her amazing advice. 

"Look at the time it's dinner time! Let's go, oh shit Zamira is going to kill me!" I said grabbing my bag and pulling Fred out of the room. 

"What why?"

"Because she hasn't seen me all day and I haven't been back to the dorm! She probably thinks I am dead."

We ran down to the great hall and there were my friends. Zamira had a worried look on her face talking to girls. They looked concerned as well. 

"There you are! I thought you died where have you been? You didn't come back at all and then you don't come back in the morning! Especially after a party when I know you were getting black out drunk!" Zamira said getting up and rushing into a hug. 

"Don't worry she was with me. She passed out in the common room so I took her up to my dorm and let her sleep."

"Thank you, Fred. She could have gotten very hurt" Ginny said looking at us with a smile. 

We sat down and he started to eat our food. I was filling my plate and then a little note appeared next to me. It had my name on it with a little heart. I know that heart it was Draco's the one he would always write on my wrist. I opened the letter and it said:

"We haven't been on a proper date in ages. Meet me in front of the castle tomorrow at 4:30 pm we will be going to Hogsmeade.

-Love Draco Malfoy"

My heart fluttered and I folded the paper and set it in my bag. After dinner, we all hung out in the Gryffindor Common room. I had to tell George I was going to Hogsmeade with Draco tomorrow so he could keep an eye on Fred. It's not that I don't trust Fred but I want to make sure he will be okay and not do anything stupid. There wasn't much to do so we sat and talked. Hermione was doing her homework as usual. Nothing different there besides she looked less focused and more laid back... It was odd and the more I looked at her the more changes I saw. Her hair was turning a darker brown... and her skin tone was becoming fairer... That's when I noticed that she was turning into someone else. 

"Guys! Look at Hermione!" I said with panic everyone turned their heads and there she was Astoria Greengrass in Gryffindor robes that were a little too small on her.

"You bitch! What are you some sort of spy? Where is Hermione what have you done to her? What are you doing here?" I said getting up off the couch putting my wand to her neck and getting her against a wall. 

"N-nothing! I swear!" 

"Oh save it you bitch! Someone go get McGonagall."

"I will!" Ginny hopped off the couch running straight to the professor's sleeping quarters. When she came back Snape and McGonagall were with her.

"Miss Astoria! What have you done with Miss Granger? I will not accept lies I am very tired and would to go back to sleep. 50 points from Slytherin and you will serve 2 months detention since to make the Polyjuice potion you would have to have gone to my private collection of ingredients!" Snape said with an awful angry voice it wasn't monotone it was scary and sounded really angry...

"Fine! I put her by the black lake!" She said with tears in her eyes. I ran off with all my friends behind me. I was heading straight for the black lake. This bitch really thinks she can leave my friends in the cold! It's winter who the fuck does she think she is? When I got there Hermione was still out cold. The problem was she had no clothes on besides her bra and underwear she must be freezing!

"Boys shield your eyes! I need to get her into something warm!" I turn around and look at everyone the boys are turned around looking straight ahead the girls are looking down at Hermione. "Here have my sweater!" Ron said throwing his sweater off leaving him in a t-shirt. 

"I still need something for her legs!" 

"Take my sweats I have shorts under them!" Ginny said taking her sweats off. I got Hermione dressed and had the boys turn back around. 

"I'll pick her up we need to take her to Madame Pomfrey!" George said picking her up bridal style. We ran inside straight to the hospital wing we laid her down and I ran to wake up Madame Pomfrey. 

"My oh my! She looks freezing!" She said running over to Hermione. She went to her cabinet and pulled out a potion called "Instant heat." She dropped some in her mouth and Hermione's color started to come back. Snape and McGonagall came rushing in later. 

"If she was out there longer she would have froze to death! What was she wearing?"

"She wasn't wearing anything."

"Right thank you all for saving her."

"I would take points away for running off and off school grounds but you saved her life. 20 points to each house." McGonagall said heading out of the hospital wing. Madame Pomfrey shooed us out as well. She said she would owl us as soon as Hermione woke up. When I got back to the Slytherin Common room Astoria was on the couch. Zamira tried to stop me but I rushed up to her and punched her right in the nose. She looked at me and got up off the couch. Before she could take her swing I slapped her across the face and she sat down holding her face. 

I walked off straight to bed. I wasn't dealing with her shit tonight.

Stay safe <3

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