Chapter 65

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Viewers discretion is advised!

(Sexual content warning)

It's been 2 days since Astoria beat my ass. I am now able to go back to my classes and do my normal things. Fred keeps asking if I'm alright and won't stop. It's probably because I do have a small concussion. The Christmas dance is in 2 days. I cannot wait for that. Fred said he is going to match my dress. 

"Okay class today we are going to watch a documentary." Slughorn says as he pulls down a screen and puts in a documentary. Its about how amortentia was created and why it was created. Fred put his hand on my thigh as we were watching and it sent chills down my spine. 

His hand on my bare skin due to my skirt... He edged his hand up and got to the bottom of my panties line. 

"Is this okay? Can I go higher?" He whispered in my ear.

"It's okay... Do what you want."

"If I did what I want to you would be ontop of this table with everyone watching me fuck you."

He went into my panties and circled my clit. My breathing halted as he stuck in 2 fingers in me. I was trying to conceal my moans as his fingers pumped inside me. My walls clenched around his fingers and he went faster in and out and on my clit.

"Cum for me. Do it Rebecca you know you want to." He said as he went faster. I let out a small groan as my cum came flowing out of me. Damn he is good at that. Holy fuck I am covered. 

Fred slowly put his fingers in his mouth and sucked on them. Thank god were in the back of the class room.

"Alright class that's it for today. Have great 4 day weekend." Slughorn said dismissing the class. 

"Wanna know something?" Fred asked me


"You taste good."

My face heated up and he walked away with a smirk. I ran down to my dorm and changed into shorts and a tanktop. And of course new panties. I hid the covered ones under all my other dirty clothes. Then came a knock at my door. I opened the door to see Luna, Lily, Zee, Hermione, Ginny, and for some reason Rachel.

"Hey! We were thinking about having a sleepover." Ginny said plopping on my extra bed.

"Sure! I have nothing going on. In my dorm or somewhere else?"

"Your dorm will work if that's fine with you." 

"Yea that's fine by me."

"Perfect! I'll go get my things!" Rachel said leaving the room. All my other friends have one drawer dedicated to some of their clothes for sleepovers. Rachel doesn't get one. 

After about 30 minutes an owl pecked at my window. It was an umfimilar one... I grabbed the letter and thanked it. 

Hey meet me in the old bathroom on the 2nd floor in 30 minutes. I wanna see you.

-Fred W

"What is it?" Hermione asked as she painted her nails.

"Just McGonagall wanting to me talk to me. Probably about my missing assignment. I'll be back guys."

"Okay be safe. Take your wand." Luna said waving. 

I grabbed my wand and went on the 25 minute walk to the 2nd floor. 

Luna's POV

She knows I know better. That was not a letter from Mcgonagall with the way she blushed. It was from Fred unless she has another secret lover. 

Rebecca's POV

"Fred you here?" I asked walking into the old run down bathroom.

"Yup. i just wanted to see you. I knew I couldn't stop by because the girls are staying over."

"So you sent a random owl?"

"Yea I didn't want them recognizing mine or the families owl."

He grabbed my waist and pulled me in. He dove down for a kiss. I got on my tippy toes and kissed him back. He picked me up and sat me on the bathroom counter. He went down to the crook of my neck. I let out a small groan as he explored my sweet spots. 

"Rebecca I have something important to ask you."

Fred looked at me with a  worried expression. I looked at him and smiled softly. 

"What is it?"

"Will you uhm be my girlfriend?" He asked softly look in my eyes.

I shook my head yes and kissed him. 

He walked me back to my dorm and kissed me. He motioned towards my neck.

"Keep those hidden unless of course you want people to know what was going on. I don't mind that people know your mine. And tell your friends. I want them to hear it from you. Words travel fast okay?" He said kissing me one more time.

I walked to my dorm and the girls were sitting doing their own things.

"Did you and McGonagall have a make out shesh? Those hickies are fresh as fuck." Zamira said walking towards me.

"Who the hell were you with?" Ginny asked looking at the marks on my neck. 

"I was with uhm Fred."

"Ew! Thats my brother!"

"Well... I'm his girlfriend now so..."

"What?" They all ask in unison

I shook my head yes and that crashed into me with hugs. They were all waiting for this. I noticed Rachel didn't join the hug. I shrugged it off and hung out with my friends. 

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