Chapter 64

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"Hey hey! I haven't seen you in a while!" I woke up to someone saying that in my dorm. I sit up and see Rachel in my dorm.

"Oh hey... How did you get in?"

"I unlocked your door. Anyway, who are you going to the dancey dance with?" 

"Fred, you?"

"Oh, Cormac he is perfect if I say so myself. But I'll see you later. I just wanted to see what you were up to."

"Okay see ya."

I got out of bed and put on sweats and a crop top. I threw my hair into a ponytail and went down to the great hall for some food. 

I find my group of friends and sit with them.

Rachels POV

My plan is coming along nicely. If I can get Fred alone and make a move it would be perfect. Perfect for me and perfect for him. Rebecca will be nothing to Fred. She will go back to Draco and me and he will both be happy. 

Rebecca's POV

I was on the floor after my ponytail got yanked and I was dragged to the middle of the great hall. I hop up off the floor and throw a punch at let alone Astoria. My friends were crowding around and Pansy was yelling at us to stop. I got decked in the face and everything went completely black. My ears were ringing and I don't remember much. 

Draco's POV
"What the hell Astoria! Knocking her out! Who the hell do you think you are?!" I yelled at her.

"She deserves it! She is a slut!"

"Don't talk about her like that! Fuck you Astoria!"

"Fuck you Draco!"

She crashed her lips into mine and it went from there...

Fred's POV
I sat in the hospital wing. Right next to Rebecca's bed. I hated when I had to leave for classes and curfew. She was awake but still out of it from painkillers. She would call me George but sometimes Fred. Madam Pomfrey said she would come to it in about 2 more days. I felt horrible for her. Getting punched in the face.

The first fight she has ever lost... 


Sorry I was not about to write Draco and Astoria smut lmao. Sorry, it's short lol.

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