Chapter 4

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A/N: Alright so these chapters take me about an hour and 20 minutes to write. I hope you guys are enjoying everything so far :)

"Wake up! We have to get this place cleaned up before the Weasleys get back tonight. It is going to take us all day! Fred has breakfast made so get up and go eat!" Ginny woke me up by bouncing on my bed. I pushed her off and she got up and jumped on me.

"Oh come on Gin! Really?" I asked

"Yea don't push me next time. Now get up!" She got up and pulled the covers off of me! I got up and chased her down stairs. She ran all the way to the kitchen and hid behind Harry.

"Oi girls calm down! Becca here is breakfast!" Fred handed me a plate with Honey pancakes. 

"Thanks you Freddie. Guys 2 weeks till we go back to school! How are we feeling?" 

"Hmm I am excited to see Luna. She get us some you know what" Zamira said beaming. She seemed really happy. 

"Yea. We have no time for talking! I am going to be assigning things for you guys to do to help clean the house! Zamira and George you will be deep cleaning the kitchen. Fred and Ron will be cleaning the back yard and front yard. Harry and I will be cleaning the living room and bathrooms. Hermione and Rebecca you guys will be cleaning the bedrooms and hallways. This will be a no magic process at first then when you are done. You will use magic to get anything you missed! This is so we can have something to do all day! So lets get started." Ginny explained, she was really serious about this. I was surprised when she said no magic. But I agree it will give us something to do for the whole day if we use no magic.

"Come on Becca lets start with the hallways." Mione said grabbing my arm.

"Why are you pulling so hard!" I said yanking my arm away.

"Sorry! Its just when Ginny said that Fred would be with Ron he looked at you and frowned! I knew it he still likes you!" 

"Since when does he like me?"

"Oh um... right I wasn't suppose to tell you... but I guess I will now. When you and Draco got together in 3rd year Fred came to all of us besides you and ranted about how much he liked you. I thought those feelings passed but I don't think they did. Do not tell him I told you though!"

"Woah... Okay then lets just get cleaning." I said and got to cleaning all of the hallways. They were long so it took a little bit to do. We did our room which took over two hours considering all the clothes, makeup, dishes, and trash was on our floor. Our closet floor was full of dirty clothes so we got those washed and we made our beds and finished nicely!

"Alright time for the boys room... I can't imagine what we will find in there." Hermione said as we opened their door. There room was covered in clothes, shoes, dirty dishes, blankets, pillows, and even food... We started with the dishes and food which took up to 30 min to get everything down stairs. There were a ton a clothes but we got all of them clean and folded into each pile for each boy. We had to use magic to know whose clothes were whos. Hermione dealt with trash and I dealt with organizing their desks. The last desk I did was Fred's and its the messiest. I found a letter addressed to me. I could help my self I had to read it...


December 6th 

Dear Rebecca, I need you to know this I cant keep holding it in... I really like you Becca. I have liked you since the beginning of your 3rd year. I know I'm older than you but it is only by a year. I need you to answer this truthfully. Could you ever see us together? I need to know. If not please just tell me. I need help getting over these feelings... I cannot hide them anymore! It hurts to do so. 

-Fred Weasley

My mouth fell open... It was true he really did like me. My heart shattered when I looked at the date. It was the day before Draco asked me to be his girlfriend. I thought Hermione was bluffing. My eyes filled with tears. 

"Hey what did you find?" I handed Hermione the letter and she was in complete shock. She obviously never knew about this letter... She handed me the letter and I put it back into the envelope and put it back in his desk right where I found it. 

"The date... it was the day the 6th... me and Draco got together the 7th of December... He was going to give me the letter but me and Draco... I feel like I am going to be sick." I felt dizzy and hot very hot.

"Hey go lay down in our room Ill finish this room up. Ill tell them you aren't feeling well. Okay?" Hermione rushed me out of the room. I headed straight to bed I felt so sick. Why me? I laid down and passed out. 

"Hey sweetie. How are you feeling?" I felt Mrs. Weasley with her hand on my forehead. 

"I feel super ill. It is very hot." I whispered

"Yea you are burning up. Fred dear will you open her window please?" 

"Sure thing Mum." I could feel the cold air right as it hit my face. It felt really good. 

"I am going to make some soup for you. Fred stay up here and make sure she is okay."

"Alright mum. So what happened?" He asked me rubbing his hand on my leg. It gave me goosebumps and butterflies again.

"I was cleaning your room and all of a sudden I got dizzy and felt super sick. I think its from all the mold I had to clean up in your room." I laughed a little bit

"The room wasn't that bad was it?"

"It was horrible Freddie you don't even know" I laughed and he smirked and looked down. 

"Alright here is some soup, some juice, and medicine." Molly came back up with everything.

"Thank you Molly."

"You're welcome. Now Fred come on dinner for us is on the table let her rest." Molly took Fred's hand and took him out of my room. I ate my dinner and took medicine. After I finished I got up to shower and headed back to bed. It took me forever to fall asleep but I did it. I fell asleep before anyone. 


Next chapter will be about 500 words instead my normal 1000+ Its just going to be a filler chapter. 

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