Chapter 10

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My alarm woke me up every early the next morning. I groaned and rolled over to turn it off angrily. I got up out of bed and went to the bathroom. I took a shower put on comfy clothes. I could tell today was going to be a long one. No matter how productive I'd be in class it wouldn't help. I pulled my hair into a bun and do light makeup. I grab my books and throw them into my bag. I put out food for Talen and Shadow. Zee was still sound asleep. I got her up and waited for her to be down. While she was in the shower there was a knock at my door.

"Oh hi Draco! What can I do for you?" I asked him

"Can I walk you to breakfast then class?"

"Oh sure let me tell Zee that I am going." I shut the door on his face whoops. I thought to myself, I went to the bathroom and told Zee I'm going. I have no idea if she heard me she was to busy screaming music. I head back out to the hallway and grabbed his hand and we walked down to breakfast together.

"How is breakfast this morning?" Draco whispered in my ear. He knows how I get when he does that my body fills with chills and I get goosebumps.

"Its uhm- good. What class do you have?"

"Divination. What about you?"

"Potions. Ill miss you! What about your next?"

"Transfiguration, you?"

"Same. Meet me by the potions class room so we can walk together?" He nodded and he grabbed my hand and walked me to potions. We said our goodbyes and gave each other kisses until we were interrupted by Snape great this Friday we have detention. At least we have it together, I hope anyway. I headed into class and sat between George and Fred.

"We've missed you little one." George pats my head

"This Friday we were thinking that we could have a party." Fred said as he patted my head with George.

"Guys please stop my head is still fragile. Anyway I have detention this Friday." I wanted to bang my head on a table. 

"How did you manage to do that on the first day?" George looked at me with big eyes.

"I was caught kissing Draco by Snape." I laid my head on my table. The boys laughed then Snape started to talk about what were doing.

"6th year student will be doing Amortentia. 5th year students will be learning all about the base of Amortentia." Snape explained in his monotone voice, he gave us all instructions and he let us do our work.

"Hey Freddie, can you help me. I stuck on this part." I pointed to part 4 on my paper. 

"Right so um you would put this here and the other there." He pointed to everything on my paper. I thanked him quietly. I stopped at part 6 because that's all were meant to do for today. Snape released all the early finishers. I went the library to read Romeo and Juliet for the hundredth time till the bell rang. I got up and went tot the doors of potions, Draco was already there waiting on me.

"Hi bub! Ready?" I come up to him, he nods and grabs my hand. We head to transfiguration. Today she is having us turn a pillow into a dog... Draco kept on struggling and making a dog with a pillow for a body. I kept laughing when he did it. He gave me the death stare each time. It was funny, I ended up helping him so he could still get a good mark. At the end of class we went to all our other classes. By the end I was tired, I didn't want to go to dinner. Zamira and I planned on sitting with our group at their table. 

"So since miss Becca here got detention the get together will be in about a week or so. In the Ravenclaw common room, Luna will be joining us. Were gonna use her room." Fred was explain as I sat down. 

"Let me guess you told them why I got detention?"

"Yup! They laughed don't worry your pretty little head." 

I rolled my eyes, we kept the conversation going. By then I was very tired so I finished eating. Then headed off to bed.

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