Chapter 49

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August 29th

"Does everyone have their summer homework done?" Molly said putting dinner plates on the table. 

"I got it all done!" Hermione said putting the dinner in the center of the table.

"That is good. I expect everyone else got it done." Molly said sitting down. We fill our plates with food and eat. Tomorrow we are heading to Diagon Alley for everything we need. I don't want to go cause Rachel is tagging along because she is going to Hogwarts and needs to know what she is getting. 

Soon after dinner, I head to the bathroom to shower. The water wasn't getting warm so I had to take a cold shower. I hopped out threw on my robe and ran to Ginny's room. I put on sweats and my sweater. I dried my hair quickly and went downstairs where everyone else was. There was a knock on the door. We weren't expecting anyone...

"I'll get it," Molly said getting up off the couch. I plopped down next to Fred and laid my head in his lap.

"Oh hello dear come in, come in!" We all overheard Molly at the front door.  She came back in with Rachel trailing behind her with a trunk, bag, and frog cage. 

"I thought it would be a great idea if I came over and slept over until we go to Hogwarts!" She said setting her stuff down. My smile quickly faded. She looked around the whole room and when she got to me and Fred her smile quickly dropped as well.

"What a fantastic idea Racheal please come sit!" Molly said scooting over to give Rachel a little space next to her.

"We are going to Diagon Alley tomorrow right mum?" Ron asked coming from the kitchen.

"Yes dear, we are." 

"Okay. We should watch something." They turned the tv on and turned on some random film that was on. 

"Hey, George and I want to show you something come," Fred whispered into my ear. We all three snuck off into the attic. 

"Okay I and George have been thinking about creating a business," Fred said with a smile on his face.

"Well not thinking, we have created a business! We call it Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. We plan on putting in the Diagon Alley! It's a joke shop and it's going to be amazing. We got some product we want to try and one thing we want to give you!" George said turning around and pulling out a trunk. Inside were 3 things labeled "Weasley Joke box." "Self-writing quill." and "Trick wand."

"This stuff looks awesome!" I said looking into the box. I looked up at the 2 of them and they had proud smiles on their faces. 

"We want you to try these three things and you can keep the Joke box and Self-writing quill as long as you tell no one!" Fred said picking them up and putting them into my hands. I waved the wand and it turned into a rubber chicken. 

"If you want you can keep the chicken too," George said laughing.

"No thanks, give me some paper so I can try the quill." They handed me some paper and I took the quill and thought of something I could write. The quill floated from my hands and started to write my thoughts. 

"Woah that's cool!" I said watching it write. I picked it up and put it back into its box and set it aside. I opened the joke box and inside it had smoke bombs, fireworks, Weather in a bottle, and Weasley's snowstorm. 

"We thought you might be able to use this in a prank if you ever decide to pull one," Fred said smirking. 

"Thank you, guys!"

"One more thing little one."

They walked over to a corner and came back with a tiny crate. 

"This here is called a Pygmy Puff. They are sweet and protective of their owners. This one is a boy and was born about 2 weeks ago. We trust you can take care of him. Here is a list of instructions." Fred said handing me the crate and paper. He was so cute. He was a dark vibrant blue. I am going to name him... Star. 

"Thanks, guys!" 

"Don't let anyone know you have him okay? Or any of our products at that. You're getting your own room this year cause your head girl and a prefect right?" George asked me.

"Yes, I'll be getting my own room this year."

August 30th

"It's not as packed as I thought it would be," Ginny said as we are walking down the road of Diagon Alley. Rachel went with Mrs. Weasley to get everything she needed. We would all just meet up at the three broomsticks once were all done. I got all my books and new robes this year. I got my potions items and new quill. I decided to burn some time by going into the tea shop like normal. There were people dining in as usual but I loved to just buy my own tea. 

I got my lemon, green, and chamomille tea and headed out of the shop.  I headed to the three broomsticks and saw Harry and Ron already seated. 

"Hey, guys!" I said sitting next to Ron.

"Hey, we were just talking about how half the family takes like 10 years to get here," Harry said with his head in his face. About an hour later they are all arrived and we were set to go home. 

August 31st

"There was a knock are we expecting anyone?" Fred said walking to the door. I shook my head no and opened it.

"Dad? Mum!" I ran out the door and jumped into their arms. 

"The house is finished we thought we would come and surprise you," Dad said looking down at me. 

"Who is at the door!" Molly came into view of the door.

"Jill? Micheal? How lovely to see you both! It's been how many years Merlin I don't even know!" Molly said pulling both of them into a hug. 

"Good to see you, Molly. We were here to take Rebecca to see the new house. You guys are welcome to join us." Dad said pointing to his running car.

"I don't know about me but the kids are welcome too," Molly said she called for everyone and let them know what was going on. We piled into my dad's car and drove 20 minutes to my new house.

"Rachel it is lovely to see you again by the way." My mum said looking into the back seat. There were kids in the trunk, floorboard, and on top of each other just to fit everyone. We pulled into a large driveway up to a cobblestone and brick house. It was gorgeous. 

"Hello dear! I will take you and your friends up to your room." Opal said waving for us to follow her.

The whole house was very lit up and modern on the inside. We got to my room and it was huge. I had a new queen bed. White walls and all my stuff from my old room were in here along with new things. My closet was huge along with my bathroom. 

"Can we live here instead?" Zamira said looking around the whole room. 

"I wish but we can come to visit and sleepover right?" Hermione said coming out of my closet.

"Of course you can! I am going to go say hi to my brother."

I found his room by the A on the outside of his door. I knocked and waited for him to tell me to come in. 

"Hey, little bro you excited to get sorted tomorrow?"

"Yes! Thousand times yes."

"That's good."

"What if I don't sort into Slytherin?"

"Then that's fine there is no reason to care about what house you are in." 

"Okay, thanks I'll see you tomorrow I am really tired."

"Okay, goodnight!" I left his room and shut his door. I asked my dad for a ride back to the Burrow. He took us back and we all headed straight to bed. 

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