Chapter 27

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"Okay before you go drink one huge drink of fire whiskey mixed with the vodka." George handed us the mixed bottles. I took the hugest drink of my life I have no idea what is about to happen. We decided to head up to the attic. We sat on the two-seater couch and stared at each other.

"So how are you and Draco?" 

"Were good."

"Um, I want to say I am sorry for lashing out at you for wanting to share your emotion on the train. I wasn't in a good mood and took it out on you."

"It's okay Freddie."

We looked into each other's eyes. I wanted to his kiss so bad... Was it the fire whiskey talking though. He sat up and leaned into me. I took his face in my hands and pulled him into a long passionate kiss. Then I realized what I was doing to Draco I pulled away and started to fidget with my hands.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have done that." He says red in the face.

"It's okay, the 7 minutes are up let's go."

We walked downstairs everyone was disappointed when we came down looking the same as we went up. I laid on the couch, George decided to spin, and unfortunately, it landed on Ginny he spun again and it landed right on Zamira. They went upstairs and came down with their clothes all messed up. 

I decided to get up and start cooking some food. I had decided to make fish and chips. I grilled the fish and fried the chips. I got some lemon and squeezed it over the fish as it was cooking. I cut more up to put on the side as garnish. I called them into the kitchen and they each grabbed a plate. 

"So Fred here has got the best idea ever!" George said

"What is that?"

"I am about to tell you little one! So we can get rid of the Veritaserum we were thinking we should do a thing where we take a ton of shot glasses. Mix Veritaserum into only some of the shots and move the glasses around so we don't know which is which. Then take turns asking and receiving questions. The person being asked will pick a shot glass drink it and either answer honestly due to the Veritaserum or lie because there was no Veritaserum in the drink."

"Georgie, Freddie! I love this idea, let finish eating first!" 

We had finished eating and I had to use my hands to clean the dishes because I couldn't bewitch them to clean themselves cause I am underage. We sat in a circle, we filled the shots glasses and moved them around. I had no idea which was which. It made me really nervous something I never wanted to get out could be leaked. I agreed to this so I have to do this. 

"Fred, who in this room would you fuck?" George asked Fred first.

"Nope, I am not telling you that."

"Damn lucky bitch." 

"Harry, how much do you like my dear sister?"

"A lot I would marry her if I could." 

My eyes went huge, I could tell they were in love with each other. I wish Draco would say the same about me. I am not sure if he even wants marriage or kids. They went on and on and it was back to George asking a question. He looked at me and smirked, his smirks were never good. They meant he was planning something...


And another filler! I am so so sorry for the fillers. The next chapter should be longer!

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