Chapter 31

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"Sit both of you! I let the last fight between you two slide but this time I can't do that. What is going on between you two?"

"Snape this bitch keeps trying to move in on Draco."

"I am not we are just close friends!"

"Close? You guys are that close that you have to grope my boyfriend!"  

Astoria sunk down into her chair, Snape gave Astoria detention for provoking the fight and he took 5 points away for my punishment. I headed back to the common room and as I walked in there were rose petals on the floor and a sign that said: "If you are Rebecca Flowers follow the rose petals." I followed them slowly and they lead to the outside of Draco's dorm. I opened the door and Draco was standing in front of the door with a sign that said: "Will you go to the dance with me?"

"Omg yes of course Draco!" 

He put the sign down and pulled me into a huge hug. His minty smell filled my senses. "I have to go. I love you." I said pulling away from the hug giving him a kiss and leaving his dorm room. Astoria was walking up the the stairs with an angry look on her face. 

"Slut." Astoria mumbled

"Hey bitch, watch your mouth. I'll give you a swollen lip to match that black eye of yours." I snapped back, she scoffed and turned around I headed back to my dorm. "Hey we heard about the fight! You need to stop with them before you get yourself expelled!" Hermione shot up from the bed. "Chill, Snape let me off the hook. Astoria got the detention not me." I took my shoes off and threw them over by my wardrobe, "Draco asked me to the dance." I said laying down on my bed. Today was boring and long, I looked at the clock on the wall it was 4:30. I couldn't sleep now. 

"Lets go get our valentines day dresses!" I shot up from my bed.

"Okay! Sounds good."

We headed to the clothing shop and headed right to the dresses. There were so many red and pink items. I walked around to a dress that was perfect. It was red with a white band with red hearts on it. It would sit right in the middle of my thighs. I went to the dressing room to try it on, it fit perfectly on my waist. I took it off and went to look at the shoes. I chose some deep red ones with white hearts on it. The girls had picked out their dresses and had paid. 

We head straight back to Hogwarts it was dinner time.


Just a filler guys! Love you all

Stay Safe <3

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