Chapter 23

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"Wake up you lot!" Ginny yelled at Zamira and me. I rolled over groaning before rolling onto my back. I was surprised when Ginny pulled the covers off of me. "Oi! I am cold!" I tried to reach for the blanket but she just threw sweatpants at me. I put them on over my shorts not caring. I was rushed downstairs. I was wondering what time it was I saw the clock downstairs and it read 7:50 am. No wonder I was tired it was too fucking early.

"Goodmorning!" I said sitting down on the floor. Molly had started to pass out the presents. It didn't go in any specific order on who opened gifts first. Ginny went first she opened my gift and pulled out a deep red blanket she smiled and draped it over her shoulders. She got some new makeup and of course a new sweater with a G on it. Hermione went next I got her some new muggle books. I know how she loves them. She got her Weasley sweater with an H on it. Next up was me I got new eyeliner, Muggle boots they were called Doc Martins, and of course a Weasley sweater with an R on it. Harry went up next he loved the new quidditch uniform and his Weasley sweater. Ron loved the rat he named him Wilfred. Zamira got a dark green and black blanket she did the same thing as Ginny and draped it over her shoulders. George opened his new broom and quickly grew a smile. He jumped on top of me and gave me the biggest hug of his life. I giggled at his reaction and sat back down examining his new broom. Fred was next I really hope he loved his owl. It was a red barn owl he was really sweet. He slowly unwrapped my gift. He saw the cage and smiled at it. On cue, the owl flew in onto the top of the cage, Fred let the bird onto his arm and gave him some pets before letting the bird go. He named him blinky it was adorable. Molly loved her kitchen and gardening tools. Authur loved the muggle things he quickly asked Hermione and Harry how to use the phone.

We went outside George was racing Fred with his new broom. I was throwing snowballs at Ron it ended up breaking into a snowball fight. I looked above me and saw that Fred and George were nowhere to be seen. They always did this- my thoughts were interrupted when I was realized Ron was whispering to the others.

"Surprise!" I heard George yell from behind me. I quickly turned around and a sled full of snow got thrown into my face and on top of me. I turned around again and Fred was behind me. I wanted to scream but instead, I pick up a huge piece of snow and shoved it into both their faces. I walked inside angrily, I headed straight upstairs to shower. The warm water down my tense muscles felt nice. Then my mind trailed to the conversation from last night.

Zamira said she might be in love with Fred... My heartfelt broken even though I feel nothing towards Fred... What about George too? This didn't make sense, I turned off the water and got dressed into sweatpants and my new sweater with an R on it. Molly's sweaters were always special mine were always teal with hits of silver and gold. I had about 4 this is my 4th Christmas at the Weasleys. I never feel like flying out to America to see my family. I write them sometimes because I don't want to make my owl tired.


"We're moving to America. You will be going to Ilvermorny and when your brother starts school so will he." My mom said to me my 12-year-old heart was broken.

"But mom I am about to start my 2nd year at Hogwarts! I have friends here, I don't want to go!"

"I know sweetheart but there is no other solution we don't have any other family here that aren't Muggles. Your dad's side of the family lives here they are all muggles. My side lives in Germany and America." I am a half-blood my dad a muggle and my mom a witch. I got a great idea in my head!

"Mom! What if I stay at the Weasleys?"

"Like Molly and Authur Weasley?" she asked me "Yes mom! You could write Molly asking and I could stay here! I would write once a month and boom problem solved!"

"I guess that would work! Okay, I'll ask them."

My face smiled brightly, when I got the yes from Molly I was excited I didn't want to leave Ron or Hermione.


"Oi! Becca are you alright?" George snapped me out of my thoughts. I was now sitting on the couch in the living room. "Oh uh, yea I zoned out." he looked at me with worried eyes and turned back to the very small tv in front of us. The Weasleys didn't have cable so they just bewitched the tv so it would do whatever they wanted it to do. Harry tried to tell them that isn't how it works but they didn't care nor have the money to pay for cable. George was watching something about animals.

Soon it was time for dinner. We had turkey, green beans, stuffing, and some oranges. Oranges I know sounded odd but they were just tradition for some reason. After dinner, I went to go find George and Zamira since they ate quickly and disappeared. I walked into Ginny's room and it was oddly silent. I opened the door slowly to where I could peak in without being seen. What I saw confused me... George and Zamira were making out taking each other's clothes off. What happened to Fred? I headed downstairs and laid on the couch. The chatter around me faded as I fell asleep.


I am so tired I think Monster messes with my body and makes me tired more than energized haha. Or maybe it's because I don't drink them often and I actually had a full can this time. Anyway, I am on a writing kick so ima start 24 :)

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