Chapter 9

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"Guys I am going to go find Draco. Make sure Shadow doesn't leave the compartment." I said getting up and going down to the end of the train where Draco and his goons normally sit. I look into the window and see him with his 2 goods Crabbe and Goyle. I open the door and he looks at me and gets up and comes out of the compartment and shuts the door leaving his friends alone. 

"Hey baby, I've missed you." He said pulling me into a long passionate kiss.

"Sorry I haven't written things got crazy at the burrow. I've missed you too. Do you want to go sit in an empty compartment for a little bit?" I ask him grabbing his hands and he nods taking me over to one. 

"I got a new cat. Her name is Shadow, I can't wait for you to meet her." I lay my head on his shoulder and he took my hands and kissed my cheek. I fell asleep there it was a nice sleep. 

"Baby we have 5 minutes before we get off. I think you should head back to your friends." He woke me up gently.

"Okay love I love you see you in the common room."

"I love you too"

I got up and headed back to my friends. When I got back they were all asleep. Luckily I am here to wake them up or they wouldn't have known to get off.

"Oi sleepyheads wake up! 3 minutes till we got to get off of here!" I said slapping each of their heads.

"Oh, shit are you serious!" Ron said grabbing everything quickly. The train was pulled to a quick and complete stop. I grabbed my stuff and hopped off the train. The group followed behind me. The castle looked different, it feels like it's new every time I come back. Zamira and I split up from the group because we are Slytherins and we sit at the Slytherin table during feasts. We headed to our table and sat down waiting for the 1st years to come in. The great hall doors burst open and the tiny firsts years come in looking around the great hall. Their eyes were huge and their faces were lit up. 

"Look how cute they are! They're so small." Zamira said with a huge smile on her face. She always loved watching 1st years come into the great hall for the first time. Out of the 100 new students we got 15 new Slytherins. Dumbledore made his speech like normal and then our food appeared on the table. 

"Looks like someone has a staring problem," Zamira said, I look in the direction she was looking in and there was Marcus Flint staring at us both. Merlin, he was horrible!

"Hello, ladies. How are we this fine evening?" Draco come up to us and sat next to me.

"We were fine until Flint started staring at us! He still is he is so gross!" Zamira said pushing her plate of food away as she lost her need to eat.

"Oi! Flint you see these two ladies? Yea stop staring they do not like you!" Draco yelled at the end of the table and threw food at him. Flint got angry we could tell but it was funny the way Draco threw food at him.

"Thanks, love. But Zamira and I need to head to our dorm. I love you see you later" I gave him a kiss and Zamira and I got up and headed to our common room. We headed to our dorm and found our stuff already their thank goodness. I let Shadow out of her crate and I opened a window so I could let Talen out. He was happy to finally stretch his wings. 

"I miss George! Why do I have to stay here!" Zamira complained as she plopped on her bed.

"Because it is late, Zee. We can't risk getting in trouble. Now go to sleep! We have class tomorrow." I got in bed and let Shadow come up on my bed with me and snuggle up to me. I passed out quickly. Quicker than normal...

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