Chapter 53

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"Fred, George! I need your help with a little project of mine." I called after them as they walked out of their last class of the day.

"What project do you have in mind?" George asked me as we walked through the crowded halls.

"I want to prank Snape for all the hell he has put us through."

"Ooo Rebecca wanting to do something fun and dangerous? Are you feeling okay?" Fred looked down at me with a smile.

"Yes, I am feeling fine. I am just bored with my life and I need to pizazz."

"One don't ever say pizazz again. Two okay let us know what you want to do and we will go through details with you."

"Okay! I'll get back to you guys later!" I said walking away from them. I had a good plan of what I want to do. I want to send a stink bomb into his room while he is teaching a class and if he runs after us we gonna throw pop at the floor as he runs behind us. 

It's not perfect but it will be with Fred and George's help. I was walking down the hall Blaise and Pansy looked like they were having a serious conversation. I overheard a little bit until they called me over to them.

"When are we going to tell her? It has to be soon." I overheard Blaise say.

"Oh hey, Rebecca come here!" Pansy called me over quieting Blaise.

"Hey what's up?" I ask them holding my books in one hand trying not to drop them.

"We were wondering if you want to hang out tomorrow."

"Uh sure when though?"

"Do you have a 5th-period class break?" Blaise asked me.

"Yea I do you guys?"

"Yes, we do. Do you want to hang out in the courtyard?" Pansy said smiling at the fact that I accepted their offer.

"Sure I'll meet you guys when I get out of class."

"Okay perfect see you later!" They said walking off in the other direction.

The last time I hung out with them was in the 2nd year. So hopefully it won't be awkward that it will be just us. I doubt it will be we have always been friends but not close. It will be a nice chance to hang out with them again.

Dinner Time

Pansy's POV

"Draco you need to tell her!" I yelled at him. 

"I don't need to tell her shit." He yelled back.

"You're fucking cheating on her! I think she has the fucking right to know that you are cheating." Blaise yelled back at him.

"I'm not cheating on her I am hooking up with someone else. That isn't the same thing."

"Yes, it fucking is you stupid fuck." I yelled at him. 

"Oh, so my two friends are against me? Fuck you both."

"Were telling her if you won't."

"No, you fucking won't."

"Yes, we will let's go, Pansy."

"Fuck you both!" Draco yelled as we walked out of his dorm to get to dinner in time. He was such a fucking prick. Were telling her once we can catch him and Astoria in the act.

Back to Rebecca's POV

"Hey, guys long time no see," I said as I was sitting with the group once again.

"I know we have been so busy with the first week of school spill," Ginny said picking up a chicken leg off of Luna's plate. 

"Yea we should hang out this weekend for sure!" Luna said stealing chips off of Ginny's plate.

"We should all of us boys included!" Hermione said putting mash potatoes on her plate.

"Hey, Rebecca can I talk to you alone?" George asked me noticing that I have finished my food.

"Yeah sure let's go..." We got up and we headed out of the great hall into an empty classroom...

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