Chapter 32

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I sat next to Draco at Dinner, I don't see Astoria anywhere thank god. 

"Hey, Rebecca the way you stand up to Astoria is honestly so cool," Pansy said as I filled my plate with potatoes, turkey, and some gravy. "Thanks, Pansy," I say giving her a smile as I ate my food. Draco was awfully quiet this evening. He always gets into these stupid moods. I have learned to ignore him when he gets like this. I got up from the table and headed back to the common room. I had a ton of homework to catch up on. 

I went up to my dorm and changed into a silk nightgown and headed back to the common so I could do my homework at one of the tables. I got to do my potions homework but was really confused so I set it aside until I could ask George for help on it. I went on charms homework, which was breezy and easy. I grabbed my potions homework and decided to sneak over to the Gryffindor common room. 

"Caput Draconis," I said to the Fat Lady before she could ask. She huffed and opened the door and whispered something under her breath. I found George laughing away with the golden trio and Ginny on the couch. 

"Ooo! Rebecca, what do we owe to your visit?" George looked up at me and his feet up on the coffee table in front of him. "I need help with Potions, will you help me please George!" I looked up at him with the sweetest eyes I could make at him. Damn this was hard to do. "I guess so let me see your homework." He took the parchment from my hand and my quill and ink and started to explain things thoroughly. Once we were done, it was way past curfew and I didn't know how I could get back to the Slytherin Common room without getting caught by someone... or a certain cat. "George, I have run out of the muggle stuff could you ask Neville or Luna for more?" Fred came downstairs. I turned around he looked horrible, he was very skinny and looked tired. His eyes met mine and his gaze softened. "No can do mate! You've had enough, now time for bed." George said turning to look at his brother. 

"I should get going before it gets too late. Cya, thanks for the help, George." I got up off the couch and ran all the way back to the Slytherin Common room. Thank goodness no one was around, I walked to my dorm and face-planted onto the bed, and rolled over. Shadow jumped onto my lap and curled into a ball to fall asleep. I grabbed my otter stuff animal Fred had gotten me for my birthday back in 2nd year. I cuddled up to it and fell asleep with my otter, and Shadow near me. Just the way I like it. 

February 13th

"We don't have much time till tomorrow! Oh and I don't even have a date anymore!" Hermione said as we walked down to lunch. "What happened to Seamus?" I asked her she looked at me and let out a sigh. "He got a bloody detention!" She said sitting down slamming her book onto the table. "Hermione we can go together! As friends of course!" Ginny chimed in sitting in front of Hermione. "Sure then that will work!" 

5:30 pm

"Hey excite for tomorrow?" Draco had snuck up behind me. I jumped a little bit he startled me. 

"Of course I am." I turned around and kissed him. He pulled me in by my waist. I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes wishing this would last forever. I hope it does last forever. I let go of him and told him I was going to be spending the night with the girls in Luna's dorm and for him to owl me if he needed anything. He nodded giving me a kiss on the cheek before I grabbed my bag and let Shadow jump into it. 

"Hey, girlies! The dance is tomorrow, so it starts at 6 pm sharp so dinner will start at 5 pm and end at 5:30." Luna said reading through a little planner of hers. She gets her organization from Hermione. I go over to my bag and pull out my night clothes and the otter stuff animal flings out of my bag and lands across the room. 

"You still sleep with this? You've had it since your 2nd year." Ginny said looking at the otter. She opened the tag and read it "To: Becca From: Freddie have a good birthday" It read Ginny just smiled but didn't say anything and threw the stuffed animal back at me. I put it back in my bag and turned out the lights and got changed. I turned them back on and the girls were changed as well. I laid on the extra bed in Luna's room, she had 2 extra twin-size beds because people didn't want to dorm with her cause they thought she would do something to them in their sleep. I laid with Zamira while Ginny and Hermione were in the other bed.

Throughout the night I heard little gasps but they stopped quickly. One of the girls must be dreaming about something. Unless... Nope not even going to go there! I rolled over and fell asleep. 


Hola everyone, it's almost 4 am as I am writing this haha. I knew I needed to update at some point and why not do it when everyone is in bed! I am tired but do not plan to sleep for about another hour haha. I haven't asked before but please it would mean a lot if you would vote! 

Stay Safe guys <3

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