Chapter 19

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There will be mention of box braids! I know I haven't mentioned this before but when I first started to write this story I decided to make Zamira African American! Yes, she will be having box braids. Some days she will have dreadlocks and her natural curling hair. But for the Ball, I decided to give her box braids :)

"Okay girls. The feast starts at 5:00 pm. The dance starts at 6:20 pm. It is 12:00 pm right now. We just had lunch and finished our classes. So let us go get ready!" Ginny was getting up from the table in the great hall. We girls followed her we headed to the Slytherin Common room where we would be getting ready. Hermione was curling her hair and giving it half up half down look. Ginny kept her straight hair down. Zamira was fixing up some of her box braids. I curled my hair along with Hermione. We all did natural easy makeup. Our nails were all painted white with one gem on each finger. We got into our feast outfits which were just nice pants and shirts. It took us 4 hours to get ready in all. We sat in mine and Zamira's dorm and waited for the clock to strike 5:00 pm so we could head to the feast. 

The fest was gorgeous, the Christmas tree was lit and there were red flowers everywhere. Draco was already sitting with the boys. He looked miserable to be sitting with the Weasleys and Harry. When I showed up and sat next to him he perked up and smiled.

"You girls look amazing," Harry commented on our looks.

"Why thank you, Harry!" Zamira said sitting next to George. Fred was sitting with Angelina Johnson. I am guessing who couldn't find anyone else so he asked her. The food appeared in front of us and Ron went straight for the turkey and potatoes. 

"You look amazing tonight bubs," Draco whispered into my ear.

"You don't look too bad yourself," I whispered back. He was grinning from ear to ear. I loved his smile. I loved when he was happy. He held my hand under the table as we ate. Ron was almost going to the whole table it looked like. It was hilarious, Hermione kept glaring over at him to slow down before he choked on something. Draco looked like he was actually having a good time. He was engaged in the conversations and laughing with us. I loved this side of him dearly. I know though in his mind he was insulting all of them. It was 5:45 and Hermione was rushing us out of the great hall so we would go to the dorm and get our dresses on. 

We touched up our makeup, hair and got our dresses on. We headed out of the common room to the ballroom. We walked down the great staircase and the boys turned to look at us in awe. Draco took my hand and walked me to the dance floor. He grabbed my waist and told me to follow his lead. He was an amazing dancer but I was a little rusty. The last time I danced like this was at the Yule ball. God, I miss those times, Harry winning the cup and Cedric making 2nd place. Merlin 4th year was very fun. 


Cedric is indeed alive! No one has died or is dead. I hope you guys enjoyed it, my apology for the short chapter. 

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