Chapter 61

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"Thank you for today Fred, I really enjoyed today."

"Yea no problem Becca."

We arrived back at Hogwarts around 6 pm. After we ate we shopped around for a little bit. Then we grabbed dinner and then we left. Fred walked me to my common room and said goodbye. I gave him a hug and left. I walked over to the box of Draco's stuff and noticed that people were actually taking some of it. Good for them! 

I went up the stairs to go see Zamira and see how she was doing.

"Hey, Zee can I come in?"

"Yea go ahead."

"How have you been?"

"I've been good. Guess who asked me to be their girlfriend finally!"

"Was it Blaise?"

"Yes! God, he is perfect. Don't get me wrong George was amazing but Blaise is everything I needed. I am so happy for George and Lee. I am glad he and I are still on good terms."

"I am so happy for you! I hope this works out for you."

"Thank you girly. Anyway in about three weeks in the Christmas feast and dance. Have you thought about any dresses?"

"Yes, actually there is this red dress and its spaghetti straps, silky, and has a slit on the side of the leg."

"That sounds awesome. I am getting a blue one which sounds similar!"

"Fun! Anyway, it's getting late I am going to head out."

"Okay, I love you! Be safe!"

"I love you too!"

I headed out of the common room to the Gryffindor common room. I got inside and Fred was on the couch talking to George and Lee. 

"Hey, little one come sit with us," George said looking up at me. I walked over and sat next to Fred.

"Hey what's up?" Fred whispered in my ear.

"I don't want to sleep alone tonight. Can I sleep with you?"

"Yea I was going to stay in Harry's dorm because Lee is staying over and I want to give them alone time. Is your dorm okay?"

"Yea let's go get your stuff."

"Alright. Hey guys we're going to head out."

We got up and headed to his dorm and grabbed his bag. We walked to the Slytherin common room trying not to get caught. Luckily we made it in time before someone caught us. We headed to my dorm. I changed in my room while Fred changed in the bathroom. We laid in bed and fell asleep. 

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