Chapter 63

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Draco got in trouble for his actions by Dumbledore last night. His father was not happy with what happened. Draco has avoided Fred and George for the past week. It was quite funny that he was that scared. 

"Rebecca! Are you listening?" Luna asked me.

"Uh sorry. What were you saying?"

"It's okay! I was saying that I think I'm in love Lily. She is so perfect and she is just amazing."

"You go, girl! Just be careful."

"I know! I can tell she is honest."

"Okay Loony love you."

"I love you too girly."

Walking through the halls at night always gave me chills. Someone could be lurking around. Or something, I was walking back from the Ravenclaw tower back down to the dungeons. I heard footsteps come from behind me. I turn to look over my shoulder and see striking blonde hair.

"What do you want?"

"I'm just walking back down to the Dungeons. Same as you nothing out of ordinary."

I decided to take a different turn away from the Dungeons. It would bring me to the same place but it would take a little longer. 

Once I finally got there Draco was just getting inside. I went inside and went down to my dormitory. I got into shorts and tank top and went out to make sure that the common room was clear of students. I still had Prefect duties to do. I cleared the students and went to go check the hallways for students. I find Draco and Astoria shagging in the hall.

"Hey! Back to your dorms. Past curfew." I said sternly. They both turned their heads slowly towards me. I shooed Draco off to his dorm he rolled his eyes and walked off. I went back to my dorm and went to bed.            

I was sitting at my desk when a knock came at the door. 

Draco's POV

I flopped onto my bed thinking about how bad I messed up. How could I let a girl like her walk away? Why did I do this to her pure soul? I know she loved that red-headed idiot but she has to love me too. I miss her touch, her voice and laugh, the way she would respond to my touch. God, I messed up badly. 

I need to get her back no matter how hard I have to work for it. She loves me too I know she does...

Fred POV

I stood outside Rebecca's door after I knocked waiting for her to answer. When she opened the door I took in the view of how gorgeous she is. She let me in and I sat at her desk.

"What's up Fred?" She asked me 

"I wanted to know if you want to go to the dance with me."

"Really? Of course, I will go with you!"

She jumped into a hug. I pulled my arms around her waist and she snuggled into my chest. Soon I heard little snores coming from her. I picked her up and laid her in her bed. I laid next to her and cuddled her till I fell asleep myself. 


I've been busy! And on top of that, I have horrible writer's block! I need your guy's suggestions on what to write!

Recconmedations >>>>>>>

Please and thank you <3

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