Chapter 1

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"Becca! So one month until 5th year! How do you feel?" Mione came up to me at the breakfast table. The summer here at the burrow went by way too fast. One month? Already? That means I get to see Draco again at least!
"Hmm let me see. I feel pretty excited because I get to see Draco again! So there is that but classes and dealing with Dumbledore will get annoying again. He favors you guys! It's not funny." I said as she sat down in front of me.

"Haha. Dumbledore does favor us, doesn't he? Well, have you written Draco at all this summer?"

"Yes. I write him every day and he writes back."

"Oh alright. Anyway... Molly and Authur are going out tonight! So Luna is sending us some muggle weed that we can use tonight. She is sending it through her owl."

"Ooo really? I always knew Luna would pull through for us!" I smile looking down at my food. Hermione laughs at my smirk. 

"Goodmorninggg ladies! How are we this fine morning?" George comes down the stairs going into the kitchen. 

"Perfectly fine this morning Georgie. What about you?" Hermione asked him as she got up to put her bowl up.

"Awe you care little Granger?"

"Fine. I won't ask again. And you won't get any muggle weed tonight."  Hermione said as she walked upstairs to get ready.

"I- Becca... You won't let her do that right? I mean come on! Please help me out!" He begged me. I looked at his helpless face. 

"Awe you, poor baby! You heard the girl. I can't do anything to help now."

"Oh come on Rebecca!!" He yelled as I ran upstairs to get dressed.

I ran upstairs to Ginny's room where all of the girls stay. It is so full but we make it work. As I walked in all the girls were talking about what Luna is giving us. They were all getting ready and were giggling.

"Hey, Becca! So, you know how Freddie fancies you?" Zamira comes up to me and pulls me into the room. 

"He does not! I have no idea where you got that information from!" I lightly push her as a joke. I go into my trunk and pull out my black skirt with a white long sleeve collard shirt and a sweater vest. 

"He does too! All the signs are there. And besides, I know my brother." Ginny started to laugh.

"Okay if he does what about it?"

"Well, we thought we should do a little truth or dare tonight but with truth serum!" Hermione chimes in.

"No not going to happen. I remember last time it didn't end well. I don't need this again."

"Fine fine. Maybe in the future?" Zamira asked

"Possibly. I just need time from last time okay?"

"Alright! I get it. The last time we did truth serum you found out Draco kissed Astoria! But fine let us know when you are ready. Okay?" Ginny asked rubbing my back.

"Yea okay! Ima goes curl my hair be right back." I walk to the small bathroom and right as I am about to try and open the door Fred comes out and runs into me. 

"Oh, Becca I am so sorry! I should have been more careful!"

"Oh, it is okay! I should have been more careful myself."

"Right um, see you downstairs."

"Cya." Right then why does this always happen to me? It's like right out of some corny teenage movie. I curl my hair into loose waves and I do my eyeliner and mascara. I walk downstairs to see everyone awake. 

"Hello, darling! Authur and I are about to leave. We will be out of town for a week to go visit Bill. Please keep an eye on the boys, especially those two." Molly pointed at Fred and George.

"All right will do Mrs. Weasley! Have fun tell Bill I said hello!" 

"Will do sweetie! Bye everyone do not get into any trouble!" Mr. and Mrs. Weasley left and it was just us for a whole week!

"Our stuff from Luna should be here soon!" Harry said sitting back and putting his feet up on Ginny.

"Get your feet off of me you git!" She said pushing his feet off of him. 

"Rude much Ms. Weasley!"

"Whatever potter." She said giggling. 

"Guys, what did I miss?" Ron came walking down the stairs in his Pajamas. 

"Ron? You are just now waking up? We have been awake since 8 am it is now 12 pm!" Hermione looked at him like he was crazy.

"What? I couldn't sleep last night with George's constant snoring then Fred talking about something in his sleep!" When Ron mentioned Fred's name his eyes went big. Like he didn't want us to know what he was talking about.

"Well, Ron go eat. You cannot get high on an empty stomach." Fred shooed him away into the kitchen. He sat there watching muggle tv on the tiny television that Authur got from his work. In the middle of the show, a little peck came at the window. A reddish-brown owl with a little light pink bow tie was there with a letter and a bag. 

"It's here! I'll get it!" Hermione jumped up off the couch. And let the bird in. The bird dropped the stuff and expected pets and treats right away. He was a very high maintenance bird. After he got what he desired we gave him the thank you note and sent him on his way. 

"Lookie!! Ooo she sent extra she must have known there is a lot of us! Thank you, Luna!" Hermione said examining the bag.

"We are doing this tonight outside right?" I asked them and they all nodded. 

"Alright. I am going to hide this so Georgie and Freddie here do not get a hold of it before us.

"Hey! Do not single us out!" George said throwing a pillow at her.

"Oh come on George you know it is very much true," Zamira said laughing really hard.

"She is right George!" I said throwing a pillow at him to get back at him for Hermione. We all just sat there laughing away the day.


Okayyyy! The first chapter is done! I am going to try and upload as much as possible but the school might get in the way of that. February second is my birthday so I will be busy that day with school and birthday things! I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter! I am writing this at 3 40 am! So I am sorry for spelling errors and things like that. I hope you all have a wonderful Morning, Afternoon, evening, or night where ever you are in this world! Stay safe and please wear a mask to save lives!! 



- Love Jena <3

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