Chapter 52

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Zamira and I walk into advanced potions. There are three things up in the front. Slughorn invites us and tells us to take out our books. Dumbledore gave us them last night so we wouldn't have to borrow one. 

"Alright, class let's begin class now." Slughorn walked up to the three items. I look up and see Ron and Harry crash through the door.

"Welcome latecomers. Very well then take out your books and join us in the front here." Slughorn says turning his attention to the boys.

"We uh don't have books yet sir," Harry said sheepishly

"Very well then grab one from the cabinet there."

Harry and Ron grab their books and come to the front with everyone else.

"Okay, last year snape had 6th years do Amornetia. We will not do it this year. I run things differently than Servus." The class groaned, I was excited to do that. 

"Okay, can anyone tell me what this potion is here?" Slughorn pointed to a cauldron with light pink liquid in it. 

"Amortentia sir," I said walking up to the front.

"Very good miss um...?"

"Rebecca, but sir why have it out in the open if we're not gonna do it this year?"

"We won't be brewing it. I will let you all smell it. Come first, Rebecca."

I stepped up to the cauldron. I took a deep smell and it was familiar...

"I smell fireworks, gunpowder, old quidditch equipment, and wet wood..." That is nothing like Draco at all.

"Me next! I smell lake water, lavender, and leather..." Rachel said smell the cauldron. That doesn't sound familiar wait... Mclaggen! She smells Cormac oh my gosh...

"Okay, I smell... fresh air, trees, wood, and an old house..." Zamira said with a confused look on her face. That isn't George he is going to be crushed when he finds out.

Everyone else gets their smells in. Class is finally dismissed and we head out to lunch. 

"Who the hell smells like that? Cause it for sure ain't George! He is going to be heartbroken. Oh my gosh." Zamira was gushing about how she feels so bad at the Slytherin table. I look up to the Gryffindor table and lock eyes with Fred. He gives me a small smile. Rachel is with Mclaggen not even sitting with the group. Zamira has a worried look on her face when she meets her eyes with George. She tries to play it off cool but fails.

"Want to sleepover again tonight?" I turn to her she hasn't haven't touched her food.

"Yeah sure. We can gush about who we smelt because I know damn well you didn't smell Draco."

I laugh a little once she said that. We got up and headed out of the great hall. Once we got to my dorm it was very cold. I shut my window and sat on my bed. 

"Okay, so who do you think you smelled?" I asked Zamira as she took her shoes off.

"I don't know... Maybe Blaise. But I rarely ever see him."

"It could be Blaise. But I wonder why it isn't George..." 

"Yea I know. I love George I do but I just don't know. Anyway, I need my mind off of this. Who the hell did you smell?"

"I think it was Fred not going to lie. And I know for damn sure when Draco called out who he smelled it wasn't me. I don't smell like peaches I don't even own anything that smells like a peach."

"Astoria... she uses a peach perfume."

"Great I really need to talk to him."

"Yea you do. But can we talk about Rachel. Who did she smell?"

"Cormac she smelled Cormac."

"That is embarrassing... I really don't like her. She kinda pushed her way into our world uninvited."

"Yea she does that a lot. She is really hard to get rid of, even if we show we don't like her."

"Well, that sucks. I am going to get in comfy clothes."

"Alright me too." 

I used my bathroom and she got dressed in my room. Once we were done we laid in bed talking about everything going on in our classes and whatnot till we fell asleep.

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