Chapter 20

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The dance was great, Draco danced with me and even let Fred cut in a couple of times. 

"Guys! Tonight is amazing. Look at all the happy faces." Ginny smiled as we sat down at a table big enough for all of us. Ron and Harry were at a totally different table than us. 

"I wish Ron would toughen up and ask me out already. He flirts, I flirt but nothing!" Hermione sits down with us and she grabs a drink.

"Why don't you ask him out?" I suggested

"Nonsense! That isn't the way it works. Besides what if he doesn't actually like me and I make a fool out of myself." 

"Okay then well maybe we should just dance. And I brought a little something we could all slip something into our selves." Ginny put small bottles of fire whiskey onto the table. We each grabbed one and poured it into our drinks. 

"Girls, what should we do? There isn't much to do now." Zamira huffed

"I do not know but we could dance?" Luna suggested getting up. She skipped onto the dance floor and started to dance. We followed her and danced with her. She was off-beat she was probably playing some other song inside her head. 

"Can I take this dance?" A slow song turned on and I turned around to see Fred in front of me.

"Of course!" I took his hand and he wasn't the best dancer so we kind of just did our own little slow dance. We kept stepping on each other's feet.

"You look gorgeous tonight darling."

"You don't look horrible yourself." 

"You know how to charm people don't you Rebecca." He let out a laugh 

"Can I cut in with my girlfriend?" Draco came over and glared at Fred. Fred spun me around and let me into Dracos's arms. I kissed him on the cheek and he spun me around and dipped me down and gave me a long passionate kiss. He took my hand and pulled me off the dance floor. 

"Meet me in my dorm when the dance ends. I have to go, I love you, baby." He whispered in my ear.

"Okay, I love you too." He let go of my hands and walked out of the dance quickly. I walked over to my friends and Hermione was red in the face. 

"What's wrong with her?" I walked up to them.

"She was talking about how amazing Ron is but also how he would dance with her. Then he walked right behind her when she was talking." Zamira said handing Hermione water.

"Oh, is there anything I could do to help?" I sat down next to them

"No the damage is done."

"Look at Luna and Neville. They are slow dancing together!" Ginny pointed to the dance floor

"That is so cute!"

We hung out and danced for a little bit before the dance ended. We helped clean up a little bit. Luna and Neville disappeared after the dance ended. We couldn't find them, they probably snuck off to Luna's dorm. I dismissed myself from the girls and headed off to Draco's dorm. When I got to the common room Astoria was walking down the stairs. Her hair was messy and her clothes looked like they were thrown on quickly. She was going to her friends which were on the couch by the fire. 

I got to Draco's dorm and knocked. He quickly opened the door and pulled me in quickly and pinned me against the door. He quickly kissed my neck and picked me up and threw me onto his bed.


I don't know if I am going to have the next chapter with detail or not. I am tired right now so it is hard to think haha. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

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