Chapter 59

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TW: Some mentions of self-harm, body dysmorphia, eating disorders, and alcohol abuse. 

The next few days were horrible some days I wouldn't eat. Some days I wouldn't even wake up from sleeping.

Day one

"Come on you have to eat. Please for me?" Fred asked me as I sat on my bed staring at the wall. I didn't have the energy to even speak. I didn't answer him. He just sighed and put the food down and pulled me into his embrace. His smell was comforting. I got the courage to get some food into my system.

"Can I have the sandwich?" I asked Fred pulling away from him.

"Of course here you go."

I took the sandwich and ate it. I ate it very slowly because I had to keep it down without throwing it up. I finished the sandwich and Fred gave me water and I chugged that down. He went to go put the dishes away. Then he went to go get my homework from my classes since I missed all of them. I laid in bed wondering why I wasn't good enough for Draco. I got out of bed and stared into my full-body mirror. Was I not enough? I took some duct tape off my dresser and put it around my thighs to make them seem smaller.

I felt better afterward all I wanted was to be good enough. I took off the tape cause Fred would be here soon. I stuffed it under my mattress and sat back in bed. I thought about all the things I could drown my sorrows in. Alcohol is one of them. I know Fred won't let me go near a bottle at this time. I never had any blades so I can't do that unless I find one. 

"I'm back. Hermione is here she wants to help you with your homework if that's okay." Fred came into my room.

"Yea of course come in."

Hermione came in and was very calm with me. She helped me out a lot and answered my questions. 

Day two

I didn't wake up that day. I slept all day despise Fred telling me to wake up. He had Hermione and Luna stay with me because he had a Quidditch game he had to play. I could hear them faint talking.

"I hope she gets better," Hermione said

"Soon she will get better very soon. She isn't heartbroken... she is mad and upset with herself. She thinks she isn't good enough. We all know she is perfect the way she is." Luna said in a soft voice.

"Luna, how do you know so much about this?"

"Well, Neville when he left me for Hannah I felt the same way. Then I met Lily and was happy. I found my worth and was happy again."

"Who do you think will sweep her off her feet?"

"Oh, the man already has. It's Fred of course."


Day three

I felt better today. I was alone today I cleaned out all of Draco's stuff. I cleaned out his shirts, sweaters, hoodies, shorts, and cologne I have in my closet. I took it all and put it in the common room with a sign that said "FREE" on it. I took a shower finally. 

I got all my work done and I turned it via owl because the professors think I am sick. Shadow has been a great cat through all this. I love her so much. My brother has dropped by a couple of times to check up on me. He found out what happened when I yelled at Draco and the whore in the common room. He was down there and he saw everything happen sadly. 

Day four

Pansy and Blaise are with me today. We are eating turkey with potatoes. We've been getting closer but I have heard all about Zamira and Blaise and how they have been doing. George got with Lee Jordan finally. I was there when George asked Lee out. I couldn't miss that I was so happy for them.

Day five

My last day of being in my dorm drowning my sorrows. Today George is with me.

"How are you doing little one?"

"Better a lot better," I said cleaning my messy room.

"That is great! I am so glad."

"Do you think I am worth living?"

"Yes of course I do. You are one of the best human beings ever. You deserve amazing things don't ever think differently okay?"

"Thank you, George. I love you."

"Love you too little one."

Day 6

It's been a long week! I finally got out of my dorm and showed my face in the common room, halls, and great hall. Everyone whispered about how I looked like shit. Well of course I do try being cheated on. I was feeling great though I was ready for anything. 

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