Chapter 7

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Great why did I have to run off like that? I always make everything worse. I grabbed clothes and went to the bathroom to shower. It was a short one considering I have to be ready by 1 pm. 'I got out did my hair and makeup got dressed and headed down stairs.

"Took you long enough! Lets go!" Ron said and went into the fireplace and threw floo powder and went the green flames. I was the last one to go. My senses were filled with wonders I love that feeling. There is always something knew here. I first went to get my books, and potions things, I got parchment paper, my new quill and all my things class.

"Hey girlie!" Luna come from behind me in the Quidditch shop.

"Luna! Hi how have you been?" I say pulling her into a hug

"I've been great! So you shopping for Quidditch things? You don't play Quidditch."

"I'm buying Fred a new broom and quidditch jersey. I kind of owe him I got a concussion and he was the one that took care of me. But I am getting all the Weasleys new helmets because theirs are worn down."

"Oh! How did you get a concussion?"

"I fell off the Weasleys deck more like rolled off of it but that is a different story. Come pay with me we can keep talking!"

"Alright!" We went to the counter and I payed for their things that I bought them.

"Do you have any stores you need to go to?" I asked her as we walked down the road way full of wizards and witches.

"Nope! Where are the other?"

"We said we would all meet in the Leaky Cauldron. Want to got there and see if anyone is there?"

"Sure!" We walked down to the Leaky Cauldron and saw Harry and Hermione sitting down at a booth. They waved us over to the booth and we went over to sit with them.

"What is with the big box?" Harry questioned me 

"Its something for Fred you can see it when we get back to the Burrow."

"What is for me?"

"Fred! You just love popping out of know where don't you?"

"Well it is good fun scary you! So what's with the box?"

"Its for you! You can see it when we go home!"

"Fine fine!" 

"Shall we get a snack?" Molly came up to us and asked us.

"Yea come sit with us mum" Fred told her. The rest of the family joined us. We ordered our food and ate it pretty slowly. Were had a little bit more shopping to do for Ginny and Hermione because they are doing a some extra classes. My feet hurt horribly.

"Hey we should go to the pet shop! I wanna pet my cats. Anyone can join me!" Luna got up and waited to see if anyone wanted to come. Everyone is coming besides Mione and Gin and Molly. 

"Wait! Look at this cat its so cute. I really want a cat I mean look at her! She is gorgeous!"

"Becca don't you have an owl?" Fred asked me

"Yes but I can have both Talen is a very sweet Tawny Owl I think he would love a friend. But I can not afford her right now. Maybe I need to send a letter to my dad." I kept looking at this beautiful black and brown fluffy cat with green eyes. Ill write a letter to my dad really quick asking for some coins so I can hopefully get his cat! "Be right back!" I ran out of the pet store to the owlery I sent a very quick letter to my father and gave it to the fastest owl. I waited a good 30 minutes and the bird finally came back with a bag and a letter. I sent my dad a thank you letter and ran back to the pet store.

I ran back and the cat was gone. I frowned and realized my friends weren't there. Great now I need to find them. I left the store and finally found them walking around.

"Becca... We went looking for you! The cat she was bought..." Zamira said and she rubbed my shoulder.

"Awe its alright! It was just a cat. I hope who ever got her treats her nicely!" I was pretty down about her but I hope her owner gives her a nice name! We were walking around waiting for the others to finish shopping so we could go home! These tennis shoes were giving me blisters!

"Ugh my feet hurt! These dumb shoes!" 

"Come here." Fred got down on his knees and gestured for me to get on his back.

"Thank you Freddie!"

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