Chapter 56

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We were now running as quickly as possible. I was a little ahead of the boys cause Fred was holding George while running. Snape trailed behind us with his hair sticking up and a very scary look on his face. I saw McGonagall's office up ahead so I ran faster and burst through her doors. Fred and George following me in soon after and then Snape right after them.

"What in the world... Severus you hair!" McGonagall said scrunching her eyebrows together.

"These three dingbats pulled an electrocution prank on me. I want them suspended better yet expelled."

"Now Severus both of those are absurd. They will each get one-week detention and that is final."

"That isn't enough!"

"Severus you torture kids on a daily calm down and go fix your hair."

McGonagall really got him there. Snape huffed and made a dramatic exit out of her office. We were shooed away. George's legs were back to normal the jinx had worn off. We decided to skip the rest of the day and hang out in my dorm. 

The Slytherin common room was packed full of students. We headed up to my dorm and sat on my bed. I was tired from running upstairs then going back down them.

"What should we do for the rest of the night?" Fred asked laying on my floor looking at my bewitched ceiling.

"Rebecca you should bewitch our ceiling with stars like yours," Fred said

"Maybe one day it took ages to do mine."

"Alright, maybe we could smoke?"

"Not here let's go down to the lake," I said getting up off my bed grabbing a sweater putting it on real quick. We left my dorm and it was only 2 o'clock. We walked down to the lake but took our time. We weren't in any rush at all. We sat on the grass and pulled out my bag.

"Here let George roll a joint he is best at it," I said handing everything to George. He carefully rolled a joint and lit it. We passed it around slowly. I loved when it was just us three. I knew I could be honest with both of them. 

It was getting dark and we were high out of our minds. We started to walk back to the castle but felt like we were being watched the whole time. We decided to go stay in my dorm and have a sleepover. I invited the whole gang including Blaise and Pansy. They said they would join us later.

"We haven't hung in so long!" Luna said she looked odd tonight. Her skin was glowing and her hair looked very soft. 

"I know right! I am so glad we can tonight." Zamira said writing something in her diary. 

"Is it okay that I invited someone?" Luna asked us.

"Oh sure, who is it?" I asked her 

"Her name is Lily-Rose."

"Oh I think I know her. How'd you meet?" Ginny said crawling onto the floor from my couch.

"After Neville broke up with me. She was really sweet and we hit it off."

"That is brilliant!" Harry chimed in. 

We sat talking and then there was a knock at the door. Lily had arrived and she introduced herself to everyone. She was really sweet to everyone. Not long after she came in there was a loud knock at the door. 

Everyone meet Katie Findlay as Lily-Rose. She won't be important but she will be mentioned a lot since she is with Luna.

 She won't be important but she will be mentioned a lot since she is with Luna

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