Chapter 28

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He kept smirking and he looked down at the table. There was one more shot, it was a 50/50 chance. 

"So little one, is there anyone that you fancy besides Draco?"

Fuck... I took the shot and blurted "Yea Fred." My hands clapped over my mouth. Everyone's mouths dropped. I got up off the couch and ran to hide in my nook in the attic. As I was running I tripped over Shadow. I got up and started to run again Shadow followed. I look in the mirror in the attic. My lip was busted open and my nose was bleeding. Shadow looked at me with sorry eyes. I couldn't be mad at her. I heard chatter getting closer, I picked up Shadow and went into my nook. 

"The drips of blood end here... But she isn't here." I heard Georges's sorry voice. He sounded worried. I don't think he thought there would be any Veritaserum in it. I didn't think so either, tears streamed down my face. I climbed out onto the roof through the small window and sat up there. Of course, Shadow joined me. I looked down and my shirt had drops of blood on it I am glad it was only a tank top. I stayed up till 4 am, I went into Ginny's room packed all my stuff using magic. I called for my owl and he went straight into his cage. 

I took it downstairs went back upstairs took a quick shower. Got dressed in really warm clothes and headed back down. I didn't want to be near my friends, not after what I confessed. I grabbed my stuff and left the Burrow. After walking nearly 2 hours and hopping from taxi to taxi I found myself at Draco's Manor. I put my stuff down and knocked, a very little house elf answered.

"Hello miss how may I help you?"

"Hi, can you go get Draco for me please?"

"Mr. Malfoy is asleep right now miss."

"Please just say Becca is at the door."

"As you wish miss."

The elf shut the door slowly and it soon opened back up and Draco looked tired very tired. 

"I am so sorry for coming unannounced I had to get away from the Burrow for a little bit."

"Hey, it's okay! I'll grab your stuff and take you to my room."

His room was huge, it looked like it could fit the whole Burrow inside it. He grabbed my hand and pulled me in a hug, he then kissed me.

"What was that for?"

"Happy new year!" We went to sleep in his bed his legs were tangled up in mine. I missed this, his bed was way for comfy than the one at the Burrow. Don't get me wrong I love having a bed to sleep in but sometimes other beds were comfier. 

3 days till Hogwarts

"Do you want to go to Diagon Alley today?" Draco asked me playing with my hair. "Sure, I need to get some new clothes." He got up and put on some clothes. I soon rolled out of bed and put on a skirt, fishnet, and black tank top that was strappy in the back. Draco turned around and looked up and down my body. I slid on my doc martins I got for Christmas. 

Meanwhile at the Burrow

"I can't believe you two! I never thought you two would drink and get drunk! I cannot believe that you thought I wouldn't find out! You two are grounded oh and where is Rebecca? Did she leave?" Molly screamed at Fred and George. "Yeah, she did..." Fred told her the truth. "Why, I will not be taking any lies tell me the truth!" 

"I embarrassed her," George said sheepishly. Molly went on about how disappointed she was in them. And that Becca could be anywhere. Soon Talen came flying into the window. He dropped a letter on the ground in front of Molly.

"Dear to whoever may be reading this, I am safe, perfectly fine. I had made my way to the  Malfoy Manor. I am terribly sorry for sneaking off. I hope to see you all at kings cross in three days. 


Malfoy Manor

I had gotten some new clothes and a new robe mine was getting dusty. It was late so Draco and I had the elf make us a quick meal and then we headed up to bed. Shadow was at the end of my feet like normal. It felt nice having Draco next to me.


Not as long as I want it to be but I am tired! Tomorrow I will start writing the Torment! Also hopefully finding a new name for it. Bye guys!!

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