Chapter 15

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It was the next morning we woke up at 8:30 again due to Hermione. She doesn't want us to be late to Hogsmeade. I think it was way too early were heading to Hogsmeade at 10 am. I got dressed in a sweater and leggings. I got my beanie, scarf, and gloves and put those on. Draco decided not to come last minute, I got the letter from him last night. It will be nice just me and my friends. I am still very angry with George but I think I can deal with him for a couple of hours.

We met up with the group and we walked together. George kept trying to talk to me but I would start talking to the others. I didn't want to talk to him at the moment. He hurt me, Fred is lucky I forgave him. I couldn't be mad at him for long. When we arrived the girls and I went straight to Honey-dukes and the boys went to Zonkos. 

I think I am going to get sugar quills and a bag of lemon sherbet. I found the girls and we paid and headed out to Zonkos. We searched for the boys but they weren't there. I wanted everything in the store but, I walked out empty-handed knowing that if I didn't leave I would have bought the whole store. I headed to Hogs Head and found the boys there. I sat with them and order a butterbeer.

"Hello, little one." George was still trying to talk to me.

"Shut up will you George?" I glared over at them. The girls walked in and they were laughing. I didn't bother to ask why. I was quiet the whole time we sat there with our butterbeer. I wasn't in a good mood, George made it worse every time he kept trying to talk to me. I got up and made some dumb excuse to leave. I headed over to the shrieking shack because if they wanted to find me they would check here. It's abandoned that why I chose to come here. I sat on the floor and buried my head into my knees. I had tears going down my face slowly, I was so stressed out over everything. My feelings for Fred and Draco. How the hell am I suppose to tell Draco I kissed someone else. Someone Draco has been insecure since the second year. Fuck, why do I do this to myself?  I've been here for about an hour, I sneak out and head to the tea shop. I bought some Lemon tea and a new mug. I saw the other running around looking for me, Fred ran up to me and pulled me into a hug when he saw me.

"What? What is going on?" I say as I was being smothered by all my friends.

"We had no idea where you went! Ron even went to check the castle, you weren't there. Where were you?" Hermione said pulling me into a hug. 

"I had to get away for little. Then I went to the tea shop. I am fine I promise."

"Okay, that is all that matters. I'm glad you are okay" They pulled me into a hug again. 


This chapter is a tiny bit short but I am bored and tired haha. Hope you guys enjoyed it! Stay safe!!

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