Chapter 60

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I sat next to Fred in the hall during Breakfast. He held my hand under the table and making sure I was okay the whole time. Blaise and Pansy have found a great place in our group. Zee and Blaise have started to date and they are really cute together. George and Lee are always together you never see them without each other. I've been staring at a wall thinking... My thoughts were broken when Fred nudged my arm.

"Hey, you're going to be late for class."


"Are you okay?" 

"Hm, yea great."

"No your not. Let's go!"

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see!"

He grabbed my hand and we walked a long time till I realized where we were going. Hogsmeade this is the trail to Hogsmeade. It was pretty empty today since classes were going on right now. I didn't care about skipping classes at this point. I have missed many and I can miss more before I fail.  

"Want to go to the tea shop and eat in her cafe?" Fred asked me looking down at me.

"Yeah, sure! I'll get some tea after we eat."

We walked to the shop and went inside the warm building. Madam Pudifoot greeted us and took us to our table. It wasn't busy today and I liked that. Fred made small talk I know he didn't want to say the wrong thing. 

I loved how sweet and soft he was with me. We ordered our food it was simple we just got some toast and tea since it was still a little early. I actually ate today it was very nice. Fred was my comfort person the person I go to when I'm in need. I love him so much...


The amount of writer's block I have is horrible! I am sorry for the very short chapter. I wanted something to get out there tonight so a short chapter it is. Goodnight guys <3

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