Chapter 26

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"Let's get this thing started!" Fred had come down with a huge bottle of fire whiskey and a potion. "What potion is that?" Hermione asked him. Fred and George smirked "It's Veritaserum, George made a bottle of it last month. So this is what we are going to do! If you get a dare and you don't want to do it you drink 2 shots of fire whiskey, if you get a truth you don't want to answer you have to drink Veritaserum and still answer it!" 

"No Veritaserum is illegal!" Hermione said looking back down at her book. "So? No one is here to get us caught." Ginny said I gave her a fist bump in agreement. "Fine! Only this once."

"That's more like it Mione!" Zamira said

"Alright! Ginny truth or dare?" Ron asked her. "Truth" We rolled our eyes. "Boring! But is it true that you lost your V-card to Dean?"

"Ronald! That is highly wrong!" He shrugged his shoulders at me. Ginny rolled her eyes and took a drink of the Vertiserum. "No, I did not lose anything to Dean." She smirked with her answer. 

"Ronald truth or dare?"


"Is it true you dream about Hermione very often?" 

Ronald took a drink of Veritserum "Yes" I choked on my shot of fire whiskey. "Ronald? Really?" I said and he nodded. Hermione was red her cheeks were really rosy. 

"Georgie truth or dare?" 

"Since everyone is being boring I'll do Dare!" 

"Right then, go fly around the house twice-"


"You didn't let me finish you git! Go fly around twice in your underwear." 

George stripped down in front of us took two shots of vodka with fire whiskey and ran outside. He was in his socks still and he ran out the back door and fell on his ass from ice being right in front of the door. Everyone bursts out into laughter and George got up and walked slowly to the shed. He took out his broom and flew around the house as quickly as possible. He came back shivering and his teeth chattering. He threw his sweats, sweater, and new socks on. I gave him a blanket because I felt bad. 

"Alright Fred truth or dare?" George said as his teeth were chattering and he was shivering still. "I will go with a good old dare."

"Kiss Hermione for a good period of time and no pecks."

"You okay with this Hermione?"

She nodded and Fred leaned into her giving her a passionate kiss. Jealously swarmed over me. I looked away and stared at Ron. He had a frown on his face looking over at the two kissing. Fred pulled away and went back to his spot. 

"Zamira truth or dare?" 


"Kiss Ron and no pecks." 

Zamira got up from her spot and pulled Ron in from his collar. Ron smiled into the kiss, when they had finished George looked angry and Ron was red. Hermione looked more upset than angry. 

"Harry truth or dare?" 


"Who in this room do you have a crush on?"

Harry took Veritserum and he instantly blurted out Ginny's name she went red in the face and giggled a little bit. 

"How about we spice things up and do 7 minutes of heaven," Fred said pulling an empty bottle of fire whiskey from underneath the couch. He spun and to my luck, it landed on me.


I know a short chapter but it's a filler again! I hope everyone is doing well. But I do have some very sad news. I won't be able to update as often because I will be starting school every single day after spring break. So right now I got Tuesday's and Friday's but after spring break I'll be going Monday, Tuesday, maybe Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday :( 

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