Chapter 24

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"I don't care, George! Next time do it in your own bed!" I heard Ginny scream, I rubbed my head realizing I was in Ginny's room. "Hey, this is all my fault I should have realized." Zamira's soft voice came to my ears. "No Zee it isn't it is this Gits fault. He threw you onto my bed and started to have sex on my bed!" Ginny kept yelling I realized they were in the hallway. 

"What the hell." Hermione groaned and sat up. She got up and swung the door open. "Oi, it is 5 am shut the hell up and go to sleep! I don't care if they had sex in your bed just sleep in mine with me! Or just change the sheets and flip the damn mattress." Hermione yelled, George looked down at her with big eyes. I noticed all she was wearing was one of Ron's shirts and underwear. She grabbed a blanket and draped it over her before pulling Ginny and Zamira in the room and pulled George to the stairs to his room. "Go to bed."

Ginny flipped the mattress and changed the blankets and sheets. She got into bed and passed out. I fell right back to sleep before I knew it, it was now 11:30 am. I got out of bed and pulled on leggings and a tank top. I didn't care what I looked like I was tired and angry. I wrote to Draco asking him if he got the present I sent him. It was a matching ring with me. I sent my owl on his way. No less than 30 min later he came back with a little box and a letter. 

Hey Love, 

Yes, thank you for the ring. I got you a little something and no it isn't a ring or necklace it is something else! I hope you like it. I love and miss you

-Draco Malfoy

I opened the box and saw a pin with was for my robe. It was a snake covered in gems. I grabbed my robes and pinned it in place. I noticed two little letters next to the snake "D.M" it was Draco's initials. I blushed at it and rubbed my finger against it. I headed downstairs to sandwiches being made. 

"Good afternoon darling. You missed breakfast but I am making lunch now." Molly said as I entered the kitchen. "Okay thank you!" I went to the living room where everyone else was. I sat on an armchair and started to watch whatever they were watching. Molly had called over for lunch. After we ate Molly was talking about her and Arthurs trip for 3 days. They were going to London for business and a break from the kids. They were leaving New years eve and coming back on the 2nd. That leaves us alone for the New year thank god. 

2 days before new years eve

"Give me a break!" Fred said hopping off his broom. He and George were racing and George kept winning. I giggled at their little argument. "Hey just admit I am better," George said sitting around the fire. "Becca who is faster?" Fred looked at me and I was deciding to be majorly honest. "George is better sorry Freddie. But don't worry Freddie you have looks to make up for that" Before I could do anything I was on the floor being tickled Fred was straddling me and tickling me. 

"George help me!" I said giggling and struggling to breathe. "Nope, you called Fred the attractive one." I finally was able to push Fred off and ran inside into Ginny's room. I told them what happened because they were confused they burst out into laughter and so did I.


Sorry for the short chapter. I am going to sleep I have school tomorrow and it's almost midnight! This chapter was also just a Filler so! ALSO THANK YOU ALL FOR OVER 100 READS IDC IF IT ISNT A LOT, ITS A LOT TO ME! I LOVE ALL OF YOU SO MUCH. BE PREPARED FOR THE UPCOMING CHAPTERS! 

Stay safe <3

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