Chapter 22

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"Guys there is something bothering me. I need to talk about it." I went back into my compartment with my friends and sat down with a huff. "You? Sharing emotion didn't know that was possible." Fred scoffed and rolled his eyes as I sat down slowly.

"What the hell is your problem? This is why I don't share emotion. Is because of you Fred." I grabbed my trunk, bag, owl, and cat. I open the compartment door and slammed it shut. I ran to an empty compartment. Shadow crept up onto my lap and laid down. She knew how I was feeling in certain situations. In this one heartbreak and betrayal. I grabbed my blanket from my bag and cuddled up to it. There was about an hour left till we get to Kings Cross. Tears streamed down my face as I watched the train go fast through the snow. The snow was pretty and looked fluffy. I wiped the tears off my face as I saw the station come into view. I put my blanket away and had Shadow jump into my bag. 

I had all my stuff, I hopped off the train and tried to find striking red hair. I finally saw Molly through the crowd. I pushed my way through putting my stuff down running into a hug from Molly. I started to ball my eyes out she looked down at me with worried eyes. "Sweetheart, what is the matter?" She stroked my hair, it felt nice she would do this when I was a kid. "I'll tell you later, okay?" she nodded and I wiped the tears from under my eyes. The whole group had finally shown up as soon as I stopped crying.

"We were looking for you. Where were you?" Hermione and Zamira came up to me as I was grabbing my things. "I had to get away for a little, don't push it please," I said walking away we loaded into the car. The silence was loud I had to sit next to Fred. I stared out the window not wanting to look at him. 

"Alright, boys get the girl's bags for them! Girls follow me." Molly took us upstairs to her room and sat us down on her bed. "Okay, so Ms. Rebeccca wants to share something with us." 

"Right so as I was going to say in the compartment before Fred upset me was I had a weird dream about me and Draco. We were getting married and Astoria walked in all angry talking about how she was mad that he chose me over her. I ran out through the doors and I entered another wedding... but it was Dracos and Astoria's wedding... Draco looked happier than he did with me. The thing is I always see Astoria's clothes messed up, coming from the hallway Draco's dorm is in but there are about 9 other dorms." It felt good getting this off my chest. They looked at me understandingly and gave me great advice to keep an eye on Draco. Molly was going to get onto Fred about his miss behavior. 

Christmas eve was wonderful at the Weasleys. The house was dim and the tree was small but was lit with joy. There were few presents under the tree. I had gotten Harry a new Quidditch Uniform, Ron a new rat considering what happened to his old one, I got Ginny and Zamira new blankets, I got Fred an owl cause he got me shadow and I got George a new broom. I got Molly new kitchen tools and gardening tools and I got Authur a muggle telephone. I wrapped them all carefully I wanted to give Fred the rat because he is one and Ron the owl but I decided against it. 

"Children! Off to bed, it is getting late." Molly yelled at us. She had her hands on her hips. We got up off the couch and we headed to our bedrooms. "Girls I think I am in love with Fred..." Zamira broke the silence. All of our heads darted to look at her. "What?!" I almost wanted to shout.

"Yes... I just don't know if he feels the same way."

"Let's not over think it and get to sleep!" Hermione said turning over. We fell silent and soon fell asleep.


So it's 2:40 am and I am on facetime with ma friend aka my number one fan :) Thank you guys for 92 reads! Means the world to me :)) 

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