Chapter 34

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The party was full of a lot of people from different houses. I was buzzed George had tried to keep tabs on me when it came to drinking. I ignored him I didn't want to stop it made my body feel warm. 

"Hey love, how are you?" Draco came and sat down next to me on the Gryffindor couch. 

"I was good until Astoria was a bitch."

"I'm sorry baby."

"It's okay it's a party no need to be a Debby downer tonight!" I grabbed my cup full of fire whiskey, this drink was normally a shot drink but I needed something strong. It made me feel alive and warm. I hopped up off the couch and grabbed Draco's hands. I pulled him onto the dance floor. He was buzzed but I was drunk. 

"I wa- want more fire whiskeyy." I slurred pulling Draco over to the drink table. I mixed fire whiskey with a blue punch. Draco did the same, we smiled at each other a let out a little laugh. The common room was booming with muggle music and the weird sisters. Hermione was very drunk. Ron was in the corner with his knees up onto his chest hiding from Lavendar. Harry was glaring at Cedric and Cho. George and Zamira were all over each other. I looked around and my eyes landed on Fred. He was here, he was in a little circle with Neville, Luna, Angelina, and Lee Jordan. I grabbed Draco's hand and pulled him to the circle.

"Hey, Rebecca were playing truth or dare want to play?" Luna said patting a seat next to her. I sat down and Draco dismissed himself from the group. He never does anything fun. Truth or dare was slow and boring. I got up and went to get more to drink. I grabbed one of the bigger cups and filled it to the rim. I gulped that down and my body got warmer. I hopped up onto the Gryffindor table and started to dance. I didn't feel embarrassed the drinks did all the dancing for me. 

It felt nice to let loose completely the room was in slow motion. The music filled my ears the smell of weed filled my senses. The tensness in my body disapeared as I danced up ontop of the table. I scanned the room for Draco but he was no where to be seen. All eyes were on me, I felt amazing. Everything slowed down, my head went light, and I felt dizzy. I tried to get off the table but I fell backwards and everything went black but I could hear the music and chatter. 


I know its short but whatever lol

Stay Safe <3

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