Chapter 47

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I woke up and Fred was still asleep I couldn't move with his arm around me. I glanced at my watch and it was 4 pm. Crap everyone is probably wondering where were at.

"Fred wake up! Fredrick Weasley!" I slapped his arm waking him up.
"What time is it?" He groaned turning onto his back.
"It is 4 pm everyone must be wondering where we are!"
"Shit shit shit! What are we gonna do?"
"Stay here ill be back."
I slowly crept downstairs to Fred's room. I could hear everyone downstairs. I grabbed pants and a shirt from his drawers. I crept back to the attic and threw them at him.
"Get dressed I got a plan" I said throwing my clothes off. Turned to look at him slowly.
"Turn around! Get dressed hurry up!" I yelled at him.
I pulled some of my extra clothes out of a box and pulled them on. I brushed out my hair and put on light makeup.
"Fredrick! Why don't you have your shirt on?" I looked at him. His toned abs... Shit get your mind out of the gutter Rebecca!
"Enjoying the view?"
"Pfft no! Get dressed." I quietly shouted. He pulled his shirt on. I grabbed his arm and pulled him to the window.
"Hop out." I said pulling him to the window.
"What onto the roof?"
"Yes! Now go!"
He climbed out onto the roof and I joined him. Motioning for him to follow me. I hopped down to the lower levels and finally got to the vines.
"Before we climbed down these here is our backstory. We went out on our brooms we got lost and we finally got back. Got it?" I asked him and he nodded. He went first down the vines. I started to climb down. I took him round back to act like we have just taken off our flying shoes.
"Where have you two been?" George stands up from the couch.
"Uhm we went flying on brooms and got lost. We finally found our way back." I quickly let the words fall out of my mouth. He nodded and sat back down.
I walked to my room and took of the clothes I threw on in the attic. I put on sweats and a tank top.
Worst excuse ever! I don't even like flying!
"What you thinking about?"
"Fuck Zamira! You scared me."
"You and Fred scared all of us! You guys got lost flying?"
"Yeah it was horrible we were flying for hours trying to get back."
"I thought you didn't know how to fly?"
"Well Fred wanted to teach me so I let him..."
"Right anyway! Rachel left around 2 so you missed her."
"Oh well she will probably be back so not like I missed much."
I got up and went back to the attic. I sat on the couch and collected my thoughts. Not that I had many of them.
My stomach hurts so short chapter lol. I also am writing this on my phone. So I am really really tired of typing lol.
Stay safe <3

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