Chapter 54

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"What's up George?" I asked him as he paced the room.

"Are you okay?" 

"Yea so only Fred knows this... So do not tell anyone else please." 

"I promise I will not tell anyone else."

"Okay. I've lost feelings for Zamira... and have gained feelings for Lee Jordan..." 

"George that is amazing! So what are you if you don't mind me asking."

"I am bisexual. Don't tell anyone I am begging you."

"Come here George I promise I won't tell anyone," I said opening my arms motioning for a hug.

"Thank you so much, Becca..." He said as his voice cracked. He was now crying in my arms.

"How do I tell Zamira?"

"Be open and honest with her. She will understand and support you no matter what okay?"

"Okay thank you. Let's get out of here." 

He opened the door and we left the room together. I am glad George trusts me enough for me to be the second person to know. We head back to the table and sit back down. 

"So! Rebecca, I know you have your own idea about the prank but I think I have a great one what if we put an electrocution charm on Snape's classroom door handle." Fred said scooting closer to me to give the idea.

"Okay, yea that is way better than mine! Let's do it Friday!"

"Okay perfect I'll give George details. Meet up at our dorm tonight?"

"Yea I'll be there. But I got to go to the library to get some homework done. See you guys!" 

I left the great hall and walked to the library. I could hear small chatter but not much. I sat in the far back of the library where no one ever went usually unless they didn't want to be interrupted.

I pulled out my homework and got to work. I am hoping this prank doesn't get us suspended or expelled. Being expelled is worse than death. Those are the famous words of Hermione Granger. 

5:00 pm

I left the library so I could make my way towards the Gryffindor tower. I noticed a lot of Slytherins staring at me. But the problem was it was only them. Most likely cause I am the prefect and they wanted to make sure I wasn't going to get them in trouble. 

I made it to the tower and made my way to the twin's dorm. I knocked and George let me in.

"It looks cleaner than ever in here. Did you guys clean just for me?"

"Yeah, totally just for you," George said hopping onto his bed.

"I went over details with George and were all on board. But George needs your help." Fred said kicking his shoes onto the floor.

"Okay with what?"

"How do I break up with Zamira without hurting her feelings.

"Well, there is no way you aren't going to hurt her feelings but tell her the truth. Tell her that you are Bi and that you fell in love with a boy. And that you and she can still be friends and that you want to be friends. If you want to be friends with her." 

"Okay... I want to do it tonight with you there... but not there at the same time. Do you think you will be able to get Harry's cloak for you and Fred."

"Yes, I will go get his cloak now. You both meet me in the common room Slytherin common room."

"Okay see you in 10 minutes?"

"Yes, 10 minutes."

I left their room and sprinted to Harry's dorm. I knocked on the door gently.

"Oh hey Becca what's up?" Seamus answered the door. 

"Is Harry in? I need to see him."

"Yea come in. Harry, it's for you."

"Okay oh, what's up?" Harry asked me looking puzzled on why I am here.

"Can I see you outside real quick?"

"Yeah sure."

"So can I borrow your invisibility cloak? I really need to borrow it. I'll give you it back tomorrow before class starts."

"Yeah, sure I'll go get it." 

He went back into the room and returned with it in his hands. I thanked him before running off and out of the Gryffindor common room. When I got to the Slytherin Common room. Fred and George were already there. I and Fred went under the cloak and followed George up to Zamira's dorm. 

"Hey, George what's up?" Zamira asked as she was unlocking her dorm. 

"We need to talk. Can I come in?"

"Yea come on in." 

She opened the door and it was long enough for Fred and me to get in there too. The tension under the cloak was too high for my liking.

"So what's up?" 

"So I have lost feelings for you..."

"Oh... any reason why? Did I do something?" I could hear her voice cracking as she asked him the question.

"No, you didn't do anything at all... It's just I recently realized I am Bi and I love Lee Jordan. I really want us to be friends still."

"Of course we can be friends. I am happy you realized who you are."

"Thank you Zamira." 

They pulled each other into hugs. They had tears streaming down their faces and both their voices were breaking when they were talking. I felt horrible for both of them. Once George was leaving Fred and I snuck out too. I handed the cloak to George to give back to Harry cause I trusted him more with it than Fred. 

I knocked on Zamira's door ready to comfort her. I had Fred send letters to Ginny, Luna, and Hermione to bring chocolates, teddy bears, and blankets for her. She opened the door and her eyes were very red. She pulled me into a hug crying onto my shoulder...


Soooo I start school full time on Monday. I am not excited I have to see so many people I don't like. Wish me, luck guys. I'll be trying to write as much as possible, but I don't know how much I'll be able to update with school. 

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