Chapter 69

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12 years later:

Well, the plan did work. Rachel was banished from the Wizarding World. She got sent to Azkaban. From what we know she won't be back for a very long time. Fred and I are no longer together. But we did have 2 wonderful children together. I have a large amount of love for him still. We just thought things would never be the same after what happened with Rachel... My kids are wonderful and love the stories we tell them. Our oldest Jason is 11 and going to Hogwarts this year. He is beyond excited. He wants to meet new friends and have fun with the professors. 

Fred and I still talk on a daily basis and never will stop talking. Harry and Ginny got married, thank god. I couldn't keep up with the tension with them any longer. Ron and Hermione got married but honestly? I don't think it will last their entire lives. George came out as gay and is now dating Lee Jordan. They are engaged and we're all very happy for them. My youngest Juliet is 9 and is also stoked to go to Hogwarts. She wants to meet Neville because told stories about how Neville seemed like a goody-two-shoes but underneath the act, he was a fun person to throw parties with. 

Who knows... Maybe one day Fred and I will spark again and get back together. Or maybe I'll find some handsome man or gorgeous woman. Until then peace out <3


I rewrote the ending!! The old one was horrible and rushed. This one is a little rushed but not as bad as the last. Maybe one day I'll pick up from here and rekindle her and Fred's relationship. Until then thank you guys for the support and love I got. I'm super sorry for the way I ended it. I just didn't feel the spark for this story anymore. I lose the motivation to write super often and I wish I didn't. Because if I didn't I could have a career out of this one day. I love you all and thank you again for everything <3

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